Video of the week: Unwanted fun with tractors, jet trucks and sexy twists

Editorial office


Prague /VIDEO/ – It’s a “cheesy” cliché, but it still works. Beautiful women and beautiful cars belong together. The latter connection is used by Lexus, which sends model Lisalla Montenegro in front of the camera.

And since Lexus makes cars, of course he’s not alone in the video. In the clip, the model sympathetically helps emphasize the superiority of the new sports car called the RC F. It has a five-liter eight-cylinder engine under the hood, which outputs more than 450 horsepower – jThis is the most powerful V8 car Lexus has ever produced.

When I ask about the fastest car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron is the answer. However, this only applies to mass-produced cars. But besides them, there is also a “category” of record hunters, namely, highly modified and engineered beasts whose sole purpose is to achieve the highest possible speed. Such monsters include the Shockwave, the world’s fastest jet-powered tractor. A trio of jet engines produces 36,000 (!) horsepower, allowing the truck to reach speeds of over 600 km/h.

The last video isn’t from last week, it’s a few weeks older, but that doesn’t matter. Especially when it offers a wide selection of accidents, crashes, and all sorts of (often hilarious) tractor-related shenanigans.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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