What does our skin reveal about us? Lots. Since it is the largest human organ and the only one we can see, you can read it like a medical record card. And not only skin diseases, experts can also detect hormonal problems, liver problems or anemia tendencies from skin conditions.
By skin we mean all its layers, namely the subcutaneous tissue, dermis, and dermis. Curious people and lovers of numbers can then be satisfied with the information that the top layer, namely the skin, weighs approximately three kilograms. “The weight of the entire skin is individual, because it depends on the fat layer in the subcutaneous tissue. “In general, it could be said that the skin makes up five to nine percent of a person’s body weight,” said dermatologist Petra Gkalpakioti in the MUDr.ování podcast.
MD Petra Gkalpakioti
Currently, he works as chief physician at the Dermatology Clinic for Children and Adolescents at the Dermatovenerology Clinic of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and Královská Vinohrady University Hospital.
Photo: Proženy.cz
MD Petra Gkalpakioti.
“The skin on the eyelids is the most vulnerable. As I exaggerately tell my patients, just look at your eyelids the wrong way and they will swell. “On the other hand, they react very quickly and nimbly once something that shouldn’t be there approaches the eye,” explains the expert.
When protection doesn’t protect
If the skin starts to feel itchy, then bad luck for the sufferer. Now we are not talking about mosquito bites, but about eczema, of which there are a lot. The most well-known is atopic eczema, which is caused by a genetic predisposition. The problem is with the protective layer consisting of water and certain types of fat. In people with atopic eczema, this protective layer does not work well. The affected skin loses more water, and some fat is also lost, so the skin cannot react to allergens from the external environment or to infections. “Because of this, the skin is more fragile and susceptible to infection,” explained Dr. Gkalpakioti.
Precisely because this disease is genetically determined, atopic eczema cannot be cured. However, there are certainly many things that can be done to minimize recurrence, which is the stage where the skin feels very itchy. The goal of treatment is to keep the patient in long-term remission, that is, in a state where he is barely aware of his illness.
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Twenty children out of a hundred
Atopic eczema most often affects children, and is said to account for 20 percent of the population. “Fortunately, 70 percent of children are in remission by the time they enter first grade. Affected people often do not experience problems for several years,” said the dermatologist. And when the disease suddenly comes back, even the patient himself is sometimes unable to determine what caused the recurrence.
“Sometimes stress is mentioned. “But each person is different, the triggers can be different,” explained the dermatologist. In the interview, you will also learn about the most modern treatment options offered to patients, why atopic patients should be careful with chamomile and whether atopic eczema can occur in adults. In the MUDr.ování podcast, you will also find out whether atopic eczema is contagious and whether sea water and sunlight really help everyone who is fighting this disease.
You can listen to the entire interview with the expert on the MUDr.ování podcast at the beginning of the article.
Conversation about health from a healthy perspective. Publicist Lucie Šilhová interviews doctors and other experts on the MUDr.ování podcast and, with their help, seeks answers to questions that interest most of us. Every Wednesday at 11.00 Proženy.czon Podcasty.cz and in all similar podcast applications Spotify And Apple Podcasts.
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