CONNECTION. Day 854 of the war in Ukraine

This is the 854th day of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. On the website, we report events on the front for you.

READ MORE: REPORTS from the war day by day.

Wednesday, June 26 2024

00:01. Zelensky: 90 of our citizens returned from Russian captivity

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on his Telegram channel on Tuesday that another prisoner exchange with the Russian Federation, via the United Arab Emirates, led to the return of another 90 Ukrainian citizens.

Home is not just a word. Home is Ukraine. Today, another 90 of our compatriots returned home from Russian captivity

– wrote Zelensky.

He noted that soldiers from the National Guard, Navy, Army, territorial defense fighters and border guards had returned.

Those who defend Mariupol. Those who defend the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Those in Kherson, Donetsk, Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Luhansk

– added.

The President expressed his thanks to the entire Ukrainian exchange team, as well as to all partners who helped, especially the United Arab Emirates which helped free Ukrainians.

We remember all our people in Russian captivity. We are still working to free each one of them. We are looking for the truth about everyone who may be in the hands of the enemy.

– Zelensky emphasized.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced 90 of its soldiers had returned to Russia. The United Arab Emirates confirmed information about the mediation of the exchange of 180 prisoners of war between Russia and Ukraine. The country’s Foreign Ministry noted that the mediation was successful thanks to the UAE maintaining “contact and partnership” with both sides.


Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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