Foreign trade shows higher surplus year on year

“In terms of exports and imports, apart from the traditional trade in motor vehicles, exports and imports of computers, electronic and optical devices saw the largest increase in May, while, conversely, a larger decline on both sides of the trade was seen in trade in electrical equipment and machinery and equipment,” said Director of the CZSO Foreign Trade Statistics Department Miluše Kavěnová.

Exports increased year-on-year by 1.2 percent to 388.4 billion kroons, while imports remained at the same level as the previous year, at 374.8 billion kroons. On a month-on-month and seasonally adjusted basis, exports and imports decreased by 3.2 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively.

The overall balance was boosted by trade in electrical equipment, including motors, generators, accumulators, sockets, radiators or spare parts for household appliances. This amount increased year-on-year by 6.4 billion crowns.

According to statistics, foreign trade results were also positively influenced by a lower oil and natural gas trade deficit of four billion kroons and a positive balance in motor vehicle trade, which increased by 2.7 billion kroons.

Trade in computers and other electronic equipment, including for example semiconductor equipment, broadcasting equipment, antennas, microscopes, etc., and vice versa. showed a deficit of 5.2 billion crowns higher. In terms of refined petroleum products trade, the deficit increased by 4.1 billion crowns and base metals by 1.8 billion crowns.

In trade with EU countries, the surplus increased year-on-year by 2.2 billion kroons. The trade deficit with countries outside the EU decreased by 1.8 billion kroons.

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Roderick Glisson

"Tv nerd. Passionate food specialist. Travel practitioner. Web guru. Hardcore zombieaholic. Unapologetic music fanatic."

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