News, Science and Technology | Offering help in the digital world

– When I started in June, it wasn’t long before the first questions about computer courses came up, says Monica Skybakmoen, library manager.

Therefore, he contacted Thomas Håkonsen Ekman, acting general manager of the Nes volunteer center, who also had a request for a computer course. Therefore, January 29th was the first day of the course whose topic was learning to use a laptop, tablet or smartphone. This was the first day of a seven-day course, and all days of the course were independent of each other. It was planned that you could take the course as many times as you wanted.

– No prior knowledge is required, says Skybakmoen.

Not a senior course

In addition to Håkonsen Ekman, the library director is also accompanied by Jens Skårerhøgda and Hilde Myrbråten Opaker, all three of whom will assist as course instructors.

– It is easy to think that this is not a course for everyone, but this is not a senior course, although this course is also accepted, said Skybakmoen.

There are seven evening courses in total. The first course is basic usage, then the topic is learning to use the internet, email, online banking, public services such as MiniID and Altinn, Digipost and Facebook. The course lasts one and a half hours, and is arranged at intervals of one and a half weeks.

A fully digital society

– Personal presence is no longer desired, and you cannot just show up at a public office, said Skybakmoen, who wants to help people with digital services.

– Libraries are places where people go for help, and libraries have become a completely digital society, says Skybakmoen.

The volunteer center has several computers for loan, but course participants are encouraged to bring their own computer equipment. If there is a large demand, several courses are prepared.

Georgie Burke

"Music maven. Evil pop culture lover. Unapologetic creator. Friend of animals everywhere."

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