Šumperk is preparing a Greek evening filled with delicious food, drinks and entertainment.

“There is a large Greek minority living in Šumperk, so it made sense for us to immediately contact their kitchen,” explains operations manager Pavla Coufalová. “The Greek evening menu was created by Monika Sulasová, and guests will find, for example, peppers stuffed with Balkan cheese, chicken broth according to the Greek recipe with rice, egg and lemon, baked potatoes with pork with Greek herbs and olive oil, as well as Pantzari, which is sliced ​​beetroot with garlic, wine vinegar, olive oil, and much more,” Pavla Coufalová tells the guests.

Greek wine and local schnapps will be served alongside the menu. “Mrs. Sulas took on the role of hostess perfectly, as she also suggested coffee prepared in a dzeza for the menu. The entertainment will also be endless, we plan to read the future from the coffee grounds,” adds Pavla Coufalová with a smile.

Šumperské PředMěstí is a social enterprise, which means that it employs mostly people with health disabilities. Among the company’s goals are also activities that benefit society, which of course are included in the current cycle of learning international cuisine.

The first night with this theme was hosted by Ismail Siriner from Izmit, Turkey. The main ingredient on the menu was lamb, which is not widely used in Czech cuisine. Nevertheless, the Turkish night was well received by the guests. “Everything was eaten,” concluded amateur chef Ismail Siriner.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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