Kimon Bisongo from Cape Town, South Africa was vacationing on the beach in the popular Plettenberg Bay with daughter and husband Diego Milesi when the fatal attack occurred in Central Beach on Sunday 25 September.
based on Telegraph The 39-year-old woman was dragged into the ocean by a shark, right in front of her husband and daughter.
Woman killed by shark
It was just before eight in the morning when the family of three was about to take their morning shower. The woman was about 50 meters from the shore, in waist-deep water, when the shark attacked.
The sea is turning red
Shocked eyewitnesses started screaming when they saw the water turning red. Bisongo was found by rescuers about 50 meters from where he was attacked, just minutes after they were alerted.
The family had booked a luxury hotel for three nights to recharge the batteries and take a break from everyday life. Bisongo and her husband run a pizzeria together in their hometown of Cape Town. based on CBS News they also work to feed the homeless in the city.
The husband and daughter are now receiving crisis assistance.
THE HOTEL: According to The Telegraph, the family was staying at the Beacon Island Resort, pictured atop a cliff. Photo: Shutterstock/NTB
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Two attacks in three months
based on Independent The shark attack in Plettenberg Bay was the second in three months, and the third in eleven years.
Bitou Municipality, which administers the area where the attack took place, has sealed off beaches and asked tourists to stay away from the sea.
Sara Andreotti of Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape province, told CBS News that two attacks in one year are extremely rare.
He has studied great white sharks along the coast of South Africa for 15 years.
– Globally, there are generally six fatal shark attacks a year, so two in the same area in a short period of time is almost unheard of, says Andreotti.
– Very unusual
According to a 2016 study by the same university, there are about 500 great white sharks along the South African coastline.
Andreotti stated that 37 beaches along the coast have protected themselves from sharks with shark nets.
The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) voluntary organization and the local government are asking the public to exercise caution.
– It might work if there was now more shark activity off our coasts. This is very extraordinary compared to previous years, said NSRI in a press statement.
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