- Details provided in the email indicate that it is about the so-called high-profile anti-corruption law, which was proposed in 2019 by MP Kukiz’15
- “I will also help Kukiz to publish the life work of his father, namely Madonna Kresowe, in album form,” Dworczyk wrote to Morawiecki.
- Anti-corruption measures by Kukiz’15 deputies in 2019 stuck in parliamentary committees. Similar laws were adopted only in the following period
- Other important information can be found on the Onet home page
The screenshot published on the website reklamarozmowa.top shows the message sent by Dworczyk to Morawiecki on March 11, 2019. The subject is “Kukiz”.
“Mateusz, the case with Kukiz looks like this, Bill submitted, I have made an appointment today for the following dates: first reading on April 2-3, second and third on March 25. Rapporteur – Rzymkowski. Kukizy satisfied ,” wrote Dworczyk.
The rest of the text is below the video.
Details provided in the email indicate that this was about the so-called anti-corruption law which was a long-term ban on holding public positions by corruption convicts, or a ban on deputies and senators from working in state-owned companies. Such a draft was submitted by MP Kukiz’15 to the Sejm on 8 March 2019 — three days before Dworczyk’s message was sent to Morawiecki. Representative for the applicants was Tomasz Rzymkowski, then Kukiz’15 MP, who soon joined PiS.
Furthermore, Dworczyk would write that “Tyszka, stressing that they must authenticate themselves, and this is nothing personal, promised that he would authenticate himself by attacking the government “in corpore” [łac. w komplecie — red.] and not personally – we’ll see”. This is about Stanisław Tyszka, who was then deputy marshal of the Sejm on behalf of Kukiz’15, and is now a member of the Confederation.
“I will also help Kukiz to publish the life work of his father, namely Madonna Kresowe, in album form (so far there have been only poor quality paper editions),” the head of the Prime Minister’s Office wrote in an e-mail. Paweł Kukiz’s late father – Tadeusz Kukiz – was a lover and promoter of Kresy culture. In 2008, she published the book Madonna Kresowe (Madonny Kresowe) about images of Mary taken by Poles fleeing the East after World War II.
After its first reading, which actually took place in early April 2019, the anti-corruption bill by 15 Kukiz MPs got bogged down in parliamentary committees and was never adopted. A similar project is only selected for the next Sejm term in 2021.
Email business
Since early June 2021, screenshots have appeared on the Internet, allegedly from the personal mailboxes of Michał Dworczyk, as well as other politicians and activists associated with the ruling camp. On 9 June 2021, the chief Chancellor of the Prime Minister stated on Twitter that in connection with reports of hacking of his email address and that of his wifeas well as on their social media accounts, the relevant state services have been informed.
Since then, new messages from Michał Dworczyk’s email account have appeared on the web. They may be among them classified information about the arsenal of the Polish army, revealing the details of negotiations with other countries in the field of defenseas well as internal conversations around Mateusz Morawiecki, including with himself.
Still in June 2021 Polish service reportedthat the email was stolen and published as part of a years-long disinformation campaign codenamed “Ghostwriter” by the hacker group UNC1151. In November of the same year, the American company Mandiant specializes in cybersecurity attributed the group’s activities to the Belarusian regime. At the same time, he noted that he did not rule out the involvement of Russian hackers in the same operation.
In late February 2023, the Warsaw prosecutor’s office launched an investigation into suspicions that state secrets were disclosed in email correspondence between Michał Dworczyk and his defense advisers, including those protected by the highest “top secret” clause. Opposition politicians have reported this.
“Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student.”