When kids in Florida returned to school after the Christmas break, they got a surprise in their class. Shelves that were previously full of books are now empty or covered with white paper. In U.S. states, laws limiting the titles
15 hours ago, 19/08/2023 07:16 David Zlomek photo: Paris Saint-Germain FC Ligue 1 He was pardoned within a week and rejoined the first team. Kylian Mbappé may also be staying in Paris this season, although it looks like his departure
On Monday, August 21, it will be 55 years since Warsaw Pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia. Remind yourself or see how the residents of Rokycansk experienced the events of these days in our gallery of photos and memories of witnesses. Rokycany,
On Aug. 16, China’s Ministry of Commerce said it had taken note of a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel report on China’s countermeasures against the United States’ Section 232 tariff measures related to steel and aluminum. The Chinese representative said
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On June 20, 2023, the US Embassy Commerce Department and Palo Alto Networks joined forces to bring state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions to local experts from the private and public sectors. “During my first 100 days as ambassador, there are few topics
Preview Manchester City and FC Sevilla players will compete in Piraeus for the UEFA Super Cup. While the English champions will be fighting for this trophy for the first time, the Spanish club will be playing for the seventh time.
The news of the death of the Czech writer was met with an extraordinary reception, especially in France, where Milan Kundera has lived since 1975 and in 1981 he received French citizenship. “Novelist of Human Existence Dies,” read the headline
The Czech Republic has officially become a bird flu-free country, the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) announced on its website. According to the State Veterinary Administration (SVS), which informed it in a press release, this is an important step
The Russian president has not ruled out that he will be present at the G20 meeting of the world’s largest group of economies. The summit will be held in the Indian capital, New Delhi on September 9-10, as India is