On Monday, October 3, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau signed the diplomatic note on war reparations for our country from Germany. Now the documents will be handed over to the German side. KO parlemen MPs intervention Politicians from the Civilian
The senator asked the Foreign Ministry to provide a record of the reparations addressed to the German government, after obtaining it, the committee will continue to work on the resolution – this is how Senate Marshal Tomasz Grodzki commented on
As reported by the world media, a great panic broke out during the Halloween event. A dramatic incident occurred in Itaewon, which is considered Seoul’s “entertainment” district. According to the latest announcement by the Korean state service from 2am Polish
“Undoubtedly, today we have the comfort that we – both Germans and we Poles – are members of the European Union. It’s a community that, despite some of its deep flaws, has the unquestionable advantage that its dialogue takes place
Alexander Lukashenka and other shocking statements. The president of Belarus, also known as Putin’s pedestal, threatened World War III. Dictators speak of dramatically deteriorating security in Europe. But he didn’t mention his deteriorating mental state again… Alexander Lukashenka, or Putin’s
In connection with the submission to the government of the Federal Republic of Germany the expectation of the Polish side in relation to obtaining compensation for the damage caused by the aggression and occupation of Germany in 1939-1945, as formulated
International Success on ‘World Cities Days’ At the invitation of the International Federation for Family Development, Marshal Piotr Całbecki participated in the United Nations World City Day, where he gave a speech on the role of local governments in activities
Poland demanded compensation from Germany amounting to PLN 6 billion 220 billion 609 million. War repairs On Friday (28 October), the press spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ukasz Jasina, published on the Ministry’s website a communique regarding the
When major challenges are faced, politicians often call for the Marshall Plan. This is what happened with Marshall’s plans for the ailing economy during the coronavirus pandemic and with Marshall’s plans for the environment. Just before the June G7 summit,
The Foreign Ministry will seek the appointment of Arkadiusz Mularczyk as well as the plenipotentiary government for compensation for the damage caused by German aggression and occupation in 1939-1945 – Foreign Ministry spokesman ukasz Jasina told PAP on Thursday. READ