Qatar is one of the largest liquefied natural gas producers in the world. It is Qatar’s LNG supply that can help Europe reduce its dependence on Russian gas, which no longer flows to several EU countries after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.
The Czech Republic is completely dependent on Russian gas, and the Petr Fiala government (ODS) must find a way to procure future gas from outside the Putin regime.
Qatar can help, which is why, according to the findings of the Report List, negotiations between the Czech Republic and Qatar on the opening of embassies in both countries are now intensifying. The Czechs are interested in gas supplies, while the Catalans want to invest in the Czech Republic. For that, they demand guarantees from the state that their funds will be treated here.
Qatar’s ruler Emir Tamim ibn Hamad Al-Sani should also arrive in Prague in the summer.
Protect our investment
Building closer ties to the Qatari monarchy takes place on several levels. Preparations for the opening of the Czech embassy in the Qatari capital, Doha, are in full swing, which should have been in early July.
“Qatar is one of the largest LNG exporters in the world. Big trade is not carried out in this field without official (state) support. For the EU in general and specifically for the Czech Republic, the establishment of an embassy in Doha, Qatar is a very important step,” said Deputy Foreign Minister Jiří Kozák (ODS).
Preparation of the Qatari embassy in Prague is more complicated politically. The Catalans make deeper cooperation with the Czech Republic dependent on agreements that will protect their investments. In particular, the agreement to avoid double taxation is currently being prepared by the finance ministries of the two countries.
“The Qatari side has expressed interest in immediately opening a resident embassy in Prague. The text of the double taxation treaty has been negotiated and the agreement will be signed by the finance ministers at the earliest opportunity, either in their negotiations in Qatar or in the Czech Republic. Technical meeting of experts from The Ministry of Finance of the two countries on the investment protection and support agreement has already started,” said Deputy Kozák.
Looking for an ambassador
Preparations for the Czech Embassy in Doha have been ongoing since September 2021. Buildings are in place and embassy staff are currently being handled. The first diplomats and administrative staff had left.
“The ministry is currently in the process of selecting procedures for the long-term staffing of the new office’s systematic position. Foreign Minister Kozák.
The name of the new Czech ambassador to Qatar is now on the line. As will be known, it has to be approved by the Qatari side. The embassy is scheduled to start in early July. “In order for the Czech Republic to properly carry out the functions of the local EU presidency from July 1, 2022 in Doha. A resident EU delegation has not yet been formed in Doha,” added Deputy Kozák.
Invitation to emir
Following the outbreak of Russia’s war in Ukraine, more and more European politicians poured into Doha to negotiate LNG supplies that could, at least in part, reduce the old continent’s dependence on Russian gas in part. In March, for example, Germany’s Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck reached an agreement with Qatar’s wealthy ruler, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
According to the News List, he wants to go to Prague during the summer months to pursue a deal between the Czech Republic and Qatar. The Foreign Ministry has not yet commented on the emir’s possible visit.
However, Emir l Thání’s interest in visiting the Czech Republic was confirmed by Peter Závodský, an adviser to the Qatari Ambassador to Berlin (who is now in charge of the Czech Embassy in Prague).
“I can confirm that His Majesty agreed to visit the Czech Republic and after signing the bilateral agreement between the Czech Republic and Qatar – namely the treaty on double taxation and investment protection – the emir’s visit may not only be polite but also commercial,” List said.
Slovak manager leads the Chamber of Commerce for the state Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which has a network of trade and political contacts in Qatar. For example, Závodský was close to Qatar’s influential ambassador to Germany, who became his adviser.
Race in March accompany the castle chancellor Vratislav Mynář, who delivered the invitation to Prague for Emir l Thání to Doha. The head of the Chamber of Commerce for the Gulf States defended Mynář’s expedition by stating that the political partner of the Qatari monarchy is primarily the president – which is why he has an invitation for the emir to take on the chancellor’s presidency.
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