Monday morning registered earthquake station in Bergen earthquake in the North Sea. The quake occurred about 144 kilometers from Flor and had a magnitude of 4.6. The earthquake was recorded at 06.32.56.
As a precaution after the earthquake, the Snorre B oil platform in the North Sea has been closed, Equinor informs NRK.
– There was a relatively large earthquake in the Norwegian context, but not in the global context. The quake has been felt across Western Norway, Berit Marie Storheim of the University of Bergen told Dagbladet. He is a senior engineer in the Department of Geoscience.
– What was the result of the earthquake?
– Those who have experienced it, may have experienced that the ceiling light had moved and tinkled in the cups and vessels. “Some earthquakes can also cause audible noise, but I haven’t seen that being reported in connection with this earthquake,” Storheim said.
Storheim said it was difficult to quantify the risk of whether there would be more earthquakes.
– But there may be fewer aftershocks. Post earthquakes are usually much smaller than the original earthquake, he said.
PLATFORM CLOSED: The Snorre B oil rig in the North Sea has been closed as a precaution after the earthquake. Photo: Earthquake station in Bergen
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Report to the police
Operations Manager Eirik Loftesnes in the Western Police District told Dagbladet that they received several reports of the earthquake shortly after it occurred.
– Messages came all the way from yanggarden and to Tysse, so some noticed. People described being awakened by vibrations and the clinking of glass in the houses. The quake might be considered a bit scary, but fortunately we have not received any reports of material damage or injuries, Loftesnes told Dagbladet.
– Did the police take action regarding the earthquake?
– No, we don’t. We are happy to receive reports about the consequences of the earthquake, but so far we have not received such reports.
Storheim at UiB said they started by locating the earthquake’s location and recording the magnitude of the quake. Then they work to inform about the earthquake.
– Throughout the day, we will obtain more information from several stations and investigate the location and strength of the earthquake in more detail. After a few days, we usually go through the answers submitted about the earthquake which can provide more information about in which area the earthquake has been felt.
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