Libraries are no longer just places to borrow books, but have become centers of social, educational and entertainment activities. One of the last new activities and things going on here during the holidays is game book play.
Barbora Koneszová, librarian: “The game book game Around the World is based on stories and children complete tasks. there is no need to know the knowledge, it is just about making decisions. And now they make decisions during the game. And because it is not only about reading, but also about movement, spread across the entire library.”
The game is accessible not only in the library in Mizerov, but also in Fryštát and lasts about an hour. Children also come to play as part of a suburban camp organized by Karvina’s children’s club, Awana.
Lada Reisová, one of the leaders of the Awana children’s club: “In the game, children decide, for example, whether a passenger should sit on the train when they leave, or whether they should tell him to sit somewhere else, otherwise he might be robbed, they might lose all their money and they won’t will be able to complete the journey around the world.”
survey: children from suburban camps: ” This is a very interesting, exciting game. “I like the library, they have good games here, and I like that we can run around here and play good games like that.”
After successfully completing the journey game, each player receives a diploma for success in the game.
“Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist.”