TALENT: Anniken Obaidli is the captain at Molde.
Photo: Eirik Haukenes
It was a 16 year old girl who got one of the main roles when Molde started his handball adventure.
The young centre-back has been a star in a team that has gone straight from the 2nd division to the elite series in two years.
This has not escaped the attention of national team coach Thorir Hergeirsson, who has now summoned Anniken Obaidli to meet.
– Two years ago, I never thought I would be standing here in the national team uniform, as a Molde player in the elite series, says Obaidli with a smile.
– Can be the best in the world
At the national team meeting, Stine’s fellow playmaker Bredal Oftedal had taken the youngster by storm.
– I definitely look like Karo now. (Karoline Dyhre Breivang, editor’s note). He took care of me very well. Now it’s my turn. Besides, I’m getting old, laughs Oftedal, who will also soon be 24.
HAS TRUA: National team coach Thorir Hergeirsson believes Anniken Obaidli is a player for the future.
Photo: Kallestad, Gorm / SCANPIX
National team coach Thorir Hergeirsson believes the 19-year-old will be someone he will focus on in the future.
– But we will not put pressure on Anniken. He is here to learn. This year’s World Cup may be too soon, but he is a player we will see and hear a lot about in the national team going forward, he said.
The departure of Molde coach, Einar Jønsson, is of course also creditable.
– I never think about his age. I saw him play before I joined Molde, and his potential was huge. He really has all the qualities a handball player needs. “I think he can be the best handball player in the world,” he said.
Will reach as far as possible
Obaidli has an exciting year ahead of him, with elite league games and perhaps more national team games.
– I can barely imagine it once. Molde in the elite series. “We have to fight, because it won’t be fun if we immediately fall again,” he said.
– Now the goal is just to get through the first meeting of the national team well. Then we’ll see how far it goes. I want to be as good as possible and get as far as possible, said the great talent before accompanying Stine Bredal Oftedal out of the hall.
Could it be Norway’s new playmaking duo in the next decade?
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