– I’m scared – VG

SAVE A JOB: Marina Ovsjannikova was the editor of Channel 1 before the TV stunt. The poster reads “No war”.

One week after Marina Ovsjannikova’s TV protest, she was accused of treason. He told Aftonbladet he was scared.


On Sunday evening, the news director of the Pjervyj TV channel, Kirill Klejmenov, immediately went and accused Marina Ovsjannikova of treason, the channel wrote on its Telegram profile.

According to Russian criminal law, treason can result in up to 20 years in prison.

– Emotionally charged action is one thing. But betrayal – that’s something else – when someone betrays his country and all of us who have worked with him for 20 years. A calculated cold-blooded betrayal, Klejmenov said during the broadcast.

Marina Ovsjannikova was the editor of Pjervyj before the TV stunt. In retrospect, he had quit his job. The state television channel is one of the largest channels in Russia in terms of the number of viewers.

Showing the front page of newspapers from the West

The news editor’s statement was preceded by a clip in which Ovshannikova’s protest was resubmitted. A number of newspaper front pages were also featured from various media, some of them from the West.

Ovsjannikova has been praised around the world after she stole all the attention on Monday night during a live TV broadcast on a Russian channel.

Since Monday last week, Ovsjannikova has been interviewed by several major newspapers and TV channels in the West. On Monday morning, Ovsjannikova spoke to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

– I was scared because they accused me of treason, he said newspaper.

On the posters Ovsjannikova showed during the protests, she wrote, among other things, “Stop the war. Don’t believe the propaganda. Everyone is lying here ».

News director Klejmenov also stated that Ovsjannikova had been in contact with the British embassy before she stood behind the famous news anchor Yekaterina Andreyeva.

“According to our information, he spoke with the British embassy,” he claims.

To Jellyfish Ovsjinnikova says:

– I’m afraid, I’m accused of treason. But I’m a true patriot. I do it with my heart. In Ukraine, 115 children have died and continue to die. And the Russian soldiers, very young boys like mine, were dying too. And I, as a mother, can’t stop crying …

The president of France has protection offered to Ovsjannikova at the French Embassy in Moscow, which she refused.

– I have refused to get political asylum in France because I am a patriot. I want to live in Russia, my children want to live in Russia. We have a good life in Russia and I don’t want to move and lose ten years of my life.

To Meduza, he explained what happened until he interrupted the broadcast:

– It has matured with me and reached a turning point at the beginning of the war in Ukraine. It was impossible to endure: shock, fear, I couldn’t sleep or eat, I was just numb. I don’t think this can happen in principle…

– I, like everyone else, think that this is another sword fight to bring about negotiations between Russia and NATO. Even when the Donbass People’s Republic is recognized and the tanks move, I think they will stop within the borders of the Donbass territory. But when they went to Kyiv and started bombing Kharkiv, this picture of the world didn’t fit in my head, he said in an interview with an independent online newspaper. Jellyfish.

Get a ticket

Ovsjannikova was not fined for interrupting TV broadcasts, but for the video she made before she cut the TV broadcast, writes Security.

In the video, he says that he is ashamed of working on a TV channel and spreading propaganda from the Kremlin. He was fined 30,000 rubles, 2,500 Norwegian kroner at today’s exchange rates.

OUT OF COURT: Ovsjannikova after a trial in court.

Roderick Glisson

"Tv nerd. Passionate food specialist. Travel practitioner. Web guru. Hardcore zombieaholic. Unapologetic music fanatic."

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