After the football match was decided on penalties on Friday afternoon, the altercation broke out. The match was between a young team from the United States and France, and as the team from the United States celebrated their victory, the French took their frustration out on their opponents.
Big and bloody fight breaks out, police confirm to Sweden Express. One person was hit during the fight and suffered minor injuries.
– Several people have fled from the scene. Police work continues, Anna Göransson told the newspaper.
Jan Ove rsæther from Norway watched the drama in Gothia that took place after the football match before the match, his daughter playing for Arna-Bjørnar from Bergen.
– It’s not uncommon to be pushed after a match, but that power and aggressiveness only continues even if adults interfere. And as I see it, the French leaders are really passive and clumsy, says rsæther.
– Kicked and punched
rsther said that the two boys in particular on the French team were the driving force and managed to put the team together to catch up with America.
– We were so surprised that it never ended, and the players ran hundreds of meters after the Americans who tried to retreat towards the subway station, said rsæther.
Police were quickly on the scene at the stadium in Gothenburg.
Both players, managers and other people who happen to be on the road are affected. The manager at the Swedish team Smedby, whom Arna Bjørnar was supposed to meet, was also involved
– A strong Swedish manager for Smedby comes in. He was kicked and beaten, said rsæther.
He said that the French players were eventually locked in the locker room by the police.
Parents also attack
A witness who Gothenburg Post has spoken to say that the parents of the winning team were also attacked.
– It doesn’t belong here. It’s terrible. There was an old man who cried and was kicked in the face. They couldn’t do anything about it, the witness said.
Things got hot after the game.
Photo: Jan Ove rsæther
The witness is linked to the American team.
– Our players and parents are injured. Several young people were injured and the elderly needed stitches, witnesses said.
The Gothia Cup is played annually in Gothenburg, and is one of the biggest tournaments in the world. Every year around 1,700 teams from 80 countries participate, and several Norwegian teams participate every year.
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