News, Nature and Environment | World’s first Nes technology: – Bringing huge benefits to farmers

– The system we have developed is based on spot spraying. We know that there are similar systems in the world, but most of them are developed for row crops like corn. Grains are a challenge because the plants grow densely and are not structured, said Kristian Kaurstad Morthen, managing director of Dimensions Agri Technologies (DAT) in a press release.

The all-Norwegian family business is run by Kristian’s father, Ole Kristian Kaurstad. After years of development and investment, the company was set to go public last year. Kaurstad never got to see it through. He died of cancer last spring. Now Kristian’s sons Erlend and Erlend continue to run the company with 12 employees.

Agreement with Felleskjøpet

They have now signed a supplier agreement with Felleskjøpet Agri.

The press release states that the Norwegian company’s technology has been developed over many years and tested for eight years with Norwegian pilot users.

With the help of artificial intelligence, a high-tech sensor system ensures the correct use of pesticides in grain cultivation. The solution distinguishes between weeds and beneficial plants both during the growing season and in stubble fields, and sprays only when necessary.

– Felleskjøpet is always looking for the latest and most innovative solutions that can help improve the sustainability and efficiency of Norwegian agriculture, and not least strengthen the farmer’s economy. The technology that DAT develops and offers definitely contributes to this, says Even Mangerud, precision agriculture product manager at Felleskjøpet Agri.

Reduce pesticides by up to 40 percent

The press release states that the sensor system can be fitted to any type of sprayer, and before the weekend, the first sprayer from Kverneland and John Deere had installed the DAT system at the Felleskjøpet branch in Mysen in Indre Østfold.

– Less pesticide use and potential increased yields are good for the environment and the farmer’s economy. Results over several years show an average reduction in pesticide use of 40 percent with the use of our technology, Morthen said in a press release.

He said they also had examples of reductions of more than 80 percent.

– If you plant 2,000 hectares of grain, we believe the investment in this system will pay for itself in about three years, he said.

First in the world

When the DAT system is installed on a sprayer, this happens through a spray arm equipped with a camera that takes high-resolution images. These images are analyzed with the help of artificial intelligence, so that spraying is carried out around the corn field so that only growing weeds are sprayed.

DAT technology separates green weeds during the growing season when beneficial crops are also green, known as “Green-on-Green”. The company believes it is the first in the world to have this solution operational in grain cultivation.

For several years, DAT has been working with a Norwegian pilot customer. The company now has customers in the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and Lithuania, in addition to direct sales in Norway, where 10 Norwegian farmers have installed DAT systems.

– Can be very large

– Signing the agreement with Felleskjøpet in Norway is very exciting. Felleskjøpet is committed to sustainability and precision agriculture and is the best player in Norway in branding and branding in agriculture. We think this is a very good match. Felleskjøpet has departments throughout Norway that provide technicians, service equipment, distribution and support, Morthen said.

Mangerud said DAT’s system is open to all machinery and equipment, regardless of brand.

– In Felleskjøpet, we have three specialists who work dedicatedly in the field of precision agriculture. They are already in the process of implementing DAT technology. We look forward to the continuation. This is a Norwegian innovation, which can be very big beyond our borders, he said.

Georgie Burke

"Music maven. Evil pop culture lover. Unapologetic creator. Friend of animals everywhere."

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