News, Traffic | Ingfrid shocked as the world’s largest plastic bridge passes over her house: – I didn’t expect it to be that big

Prime Minister Michelsen Street and Nesttun Street were closed on Wednesday as the world’s largest plastic bridge was transported to Paradis.

Shipping started at 12.00, and the bridge is expected to arrive in Paradis at 18.00 this afternoon.

The road will be open continuously after the bridge passes Prime Minister Michelsen Street.

The bridge would have probably passed the Paradis school between 1400 and 1600.

Nothing is broken

Ingfrid Hjortland (52) comes from the Prime Minister’s residence Michelsensveg. She is currently taking care of her daughter’s cat, who is in Greece, and her heart is beating fast.

– I don’t think it’s that big! she said when we asked if she was nervous about her daughter’s house.

– I knew it would come today. But I didn’t know it would happen now. I hope it goes well, he laughed.

The bridge has knocked down several trees on the property. Fortunately, none were damaged.

– There probably won’t be a case for compensation, the 52-year-old smiled, adding that his daughter would come with him from Greece.

It can take a long time

Construction manager HÃ¥kon Tryti Nilssen met BA before the “departure”. He is looking forward to starting deliveries.

There were dozens of people on the swing, and it took several hours to move the bridge several hundred meters, he explained.

– We use the time we need. The delivery must be done in a safe way, both for the bridge itself, but also for the poles, cables and houses.

– How long did you spend on this?

– It’s very difficult to say. We assume there will be some challenging parts, where we have to step back and try again. But it can go smoothly and smoothly, he hopes.

Communication failure

BA had previously been informed that Prime Minister Michelsen Street would be closed from 09:00 on Wednesday. However, manual routing has been introduced at the site.

Traffic operator Jenny Nilsson reported that around 10am there were long queues in the area around the closed road.

The construction manager explained that this was not planned.

– There was a small communication failure somewhere. And we’re facing some challenges in preparation because of that. There’s a lot of traffic here this morning, he said.

Nosy neighbors

At the exit of Gamlehaugvegen, a large number of neighbors gathered to watch the spectacular journey. At least the cell phone camera was not out of the question.

The public is asked to keep a safe distance from the bridge.

Apropos Gamlehaugvegen: Right at this exit, the pedestrian bridge and the bike apparently stopped for a while. It was only a hundred meters from where he had parked last night.

This may take a long time, our reporter believed at the time.

Long journey

The bridge is planned to be completed in Paradis before 12 noon on Thursday morning.

On Thursday evening, only Nesttunvegen was closed. According to construction manager Nilssen, it could take some time in the afternoon before they finish cleaning.

The pedestrian and bicycle bridge arrived in Bergen by boat from Arendal in early September.

On Tuesday, the ship was transported from Dokken and to Nordåsvatnet, then lifted ashore at Fana Roklubb.

The journey then passes through Fjøsangerlokket and onto Prime Minister Michelsen’s street, where he spends the night.

The fact that the bridge has been installed does not mean that it is completely ready for use. The construction manager’s initial estimate is that the bridge could be opened about four weeks after it is lifted.

According to Nilssen, there are several advantages associated with plastic composite bridges. They are lighter, more durable, and flexible to install so they have less impact on traffic.

Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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