It has long been dry in southern Norway, but now that has changed.
From Thursday and throughout the weekend, there will be rain in various places in southern Norway.
– The sunny weather we’ve had so far is over for now, on-duty meteorologist Tone Christin Thaule at the Meteorological Department told Dagbladet.
Changing the weather
In Western Norway, including Bergen and Stavanger, the rain will fall first – already in the morning on Wednesday.
– It won’t be too long and then it will be nice weather again tonight, said Thaule.
Trndelag could get some rain on Wednesday evening – and a period of rain this weekend.
– Looks like it will give way on Thursday morning, and there will be sun on Thursday.
– It’s not raining heavily
There will also be rain in Agder and in Eastern Norway on Wednesday.
– There will be less quantity there than further west. Then there will be overnight weather in Agder tonight.
It will be cloudy, rainy and rainy in Eastern Norway this weekend.
– There will be mostly rain and rain this weekend, but no heavy rain. This will probably vary a lot as this is construction weather. Then there will be periods of sunshine, Thaule said.
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– Nice and dry
In northern Norway, the weather is also changing. It’s been raining there for a long time, but from Thursday to Saturday there seems to be no or little rain in the whole area.
– Wednesday it’s north wind and building weather. On Thursday the weather will be nice and dry, but rain could fall as far south as Nordland, the meteorologist said and continued:
– Looks like the weather will be cooler from Friday. Troms can reach 10 to 12 degrees. There’s a big difference from today’s temperatures, which is three degrees, Thaule said.
Municipality: – Doesn’t mean much
The lack of rainfall was especially put on the agenda when the municipality of Oslo two weeks ago send SMS to the townspeople.
There they encourage people to save water.
The rain expected this week, however, did not make the Water and Sewerage Authority cheer.
– We are of course happy with all we can get, but it is very small and does not mean much in the big picture. What we need is a few weeks of heavy rain, also in the interior, to fill magazines, says section leader Frode Hult at the agency.

– Take a shower for four minutes must endure
Positive trend after SMS
This year’s summer can be cold and wet, according to the Meteorological Institute. Both June and July will probably be wetter than usual, state meteorologist Vibeke Thyness previously told NRK.
– It would be very positive if there is a lot of rain in the future, but we are always in touch with the forecast for the next ten days, Hult emphasized.
He said this positive trend occurred with lower water consumption after SMS was sent to residents on May 2.
– We’re on a slightly lower level – it seems like people are being nice, and we’re happy about that. This means that each level of action is dragged further in time, and it’s not certain that they will come at all, other than the fact that there could be rain in the meantime, Hult said.
Section leaders indicated that they were excited to see if the initial results represented a continuing trend.
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