PiS government’s sports subsidies break records

“The French are watching our holding of the European Games in Krakow, but judging by the opening ceremony, they probably won’t draw any conclusions,” Kamil Bortniczuk, a former minister of sports and tourism, said on Telewizja wPoland.

Kamil Bortniczuk assesses the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris in an interview with Aleksandra Jakubowska.

I feel sorry for the athletes who have been preparing for this event for the past four years. (…) What we saw at the opening ceremony was not at all in keeping with the seriousness of the world’s biggest and most serious sporting event. The Olympics have always been associated with a departure from politics. Apart from 1980 and 1984, regardless of what was happening in world politics, representatives from almost all countries competed in the Olympics.

– said the former Head of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Technology.

Perhaps the Russian criminals are the biggest winners of this event, because they don’t have to participate in this disgusting show that has been politicized and ideologized. It’s sad to see.

– added.

Olympic Hopes

Bortniczuk also spoke about the preparations of the Polish Olympic team and what we can count on.

This is a sport, so there is always a difficulty in predicting the results. I am very happy for Klaudia Zwolińska’s medal, because she is a competitor who worked very hard for this medal. She also worked hard to win the silver medal at the European Games in Krakow, which took place last year.

– said the former Head of the Ministry of Sports.

By the way, the French watched our European Games in Krakow, but judging by the opening ceremony, they probably didn’t draw any conclusions.

– he added.

Unprecedented financing

PiS MPs stressed that Mateusz Morawiecki’s government spends huge amounts of money to support Olympic sports and hopes that it will help achieve better and better results.

The funds that we, as the PiS government, are directing to Olympic sports are truly record-breaking in the history of this country.

– he showed.

We are counting on the athletes, on Natalia Kaczmarek, on the climb, where we are almost a sure candidate for gold. We are counting on the hammer, the volleyball players who played well against Japan, and we hope that there will be some unusual medals. I would like it if we win a dozen medals, it will confirm our place in the world of sports.

– he judged.

New minister’s idea

Bortniczuk referred to the idea of ​​the Sports Minister getting 30 percent of the seats on the boards of sports associations held by women even though there are four male deputy ministers in his ministry.

It is 100 percent male when it comes to the top management of the sports ministry. I would prefer that rather than imposing so-called quotas for women participation in various bodies, they just set a good example. MSiT should be the first to set a good example and practice.

– commented the opposition politician.

I am pleased that the bill only mentions two genders, and not the dozens that the European left is increasingly talking about. (…) In the interests of women, we defend women’s sports from the interference of these described women, namely genetic men.

– stressed Kamil Bortniczuk.


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Atwater Adkins

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