RELATIONSHIP. 876th day of war. Ukraine shoots down 16 drones

The 876th day of Russian aggression against Ukraine is underway. On the website, we report on the events on the front for you.

READ MORE: REPORTS from the war day by day.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

08:25. Ukrainian air defenses shoot down 16 Shahed drones

Ukrainian air defenses shot down all 16 Shahed drones and two of the three guided missiles used by Russian forces to attack Ukraine overnight, Ukrainian Air Force commander General Mykola Oleschuk said early Thursday.

The enemy attacked with 16 Shahed-131/136 combat drones from the Kursk Oblast of the Russian Federation and three guided missiles from the south: two Kh-59/Kh-69 and one Kh-35

— wrote Ołeszczuk on Telegram

The general noted that a total of 19 air targets were detected and targeted, and mobile fire groups of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, Air Force missile units, and electronic warfare units were involved in repelling the Russian airstrike.

00:17. On the 10th anniversary of the MH17 disaster, Prime Minister Dick Schoof paid tribute to the victims

The wheels of justice are turning slowly, Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof said at a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing jet over Ukraine, which killed 298 people, including 196 Dutch citizens.

The commemoration took place in the Dutch town of Vijfhuizen near Amsterdam, where there is a monument to the victims of flight MH17. During the ceremony, the names of all those who died in the disaster were read out loud. The ceremony was attended by representatives from Malaysia, Australia, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Ukraine, Reuters reported.

A Malaysia Airlines plane flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over eastern Ukraine by pro-Russian separatists on July 17, 2014. Everyone on board was killed.

00:01. Russian drones over Kiev! Explosions heard

On the evening of July 17, a huge explosion was heard in Kiev, and initial reports suggest that a Russian Shahed drone was aimed at the capital – The Kyiv Independent reports.

Explosions were heard in Kiev. Mayor Vitali Klitschko informed about the activities of the Air Defense Forces

– we read in the next report

Russian drones reportedly also attacked other areas in Ukraine!


Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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