Russian mobilization: – Sent to the front line without training

Vladimir Putin has ordered 300,000 reservists to be deployed for the war machine in Ukraine.

Just five days after the order was announced, it was reported from several quarters that the first soldiers would be sent to the front.

“Russian occupation forces direct newly mobilized troops directly to the front lines, without training, to units that have suffered heavy losses,” claim General Staff of Ukraine in its daily updates.

– This significantly affects the morale and mental state of soldiers, and the quality of performance of their duties, said spokesman Oleksandr Shtupun.

RAIN FIRE: These dramatic images are supposed to show thermite bombs over the city of Ozerne in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Video: @Ukraine Defense. Journalist: Emma Dalen.
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– The training lasts one day

Also an independent Russian news site media zone have information pointing in the same direction.

They have interviewed Tatiana Dotsenko, whose husband Andrej Kozyrev, 45, will be among those mobilized.

After receiving his call, he reportedly went to the local registry office in Lipetsk, south of Moscow, the day after the mobilization order was announced.

From there he is said to have been sent to Belgorod, near the border with Ukraine.

– The training lasted one day, said Dotsenko.

On Sunday, Kozyrev was said to have been told he would be sent to the front, to Russia’s 273rd tank regiment, and to act as a grenade launcher. He and other soldiers are said to have been given helmets and bulletproof vests.

– There are 1,000 of them. There was no medical examination, the wife said.

Shooting at the recruitment office in Russia

– Likely to suffer from high wear

Russia had also earlier in the war sent soldiers to the front after only a few days of training. Some of them have died quickly.

Soldiers are consistently depicted as poorly motivated, and troops poorly led, poorly equipped, and poorly maintained.

based on British intelligence there is little indication that will change when the newly mobilized Russian army arrives on the battlefield.

The British Ministry of Defense explains that training in the Russian military takes place inside operational units, not in specialized training institutions, which is common in most Western countries.

A battalion will usually remain in the garrison to train new recruits or reinforcements, if the brigade is ordered to fight.

However, Russia has deployed many of these battalions to Ukraine, the Defense Ministry noted.

– The lack of military instructors, and the haste in which Russia has started mobilization, suggests that many of the troops will be sent to the front with minimal relevant preparations, the ministry wrote.

– They may suffer from high wear and tear.

Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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