At the beginning of the interview published on Sunday, May 29, Lavrov explained the goals of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine at this time. He repeated Russia’s propaganda claims about “protecting the Russian population and language from discrimination and aggression by the Ukrainian regime.” He also again accused Ukraine of Nazism and said that the United States had completely conquered Europe.
Lavrov said that France played one of the most active roles in encouraging Ukrainian nationalism. He regretted this, pointing to the good relations between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin. He pointed out that Paris not only rearmed Ukraine, also with offensive weapons, but also stressed on Kiev waging war “to a victorious end”.
Lavrov: Donbass is the absolute priority
Commenting on the target of the Russian invasion, Lavrov said that everything was going “according to plan.” – We have set goals: protection of the population, demilitarization of Ukraine, restoration of the right to the Russian language, de-Nazification – he mentions. – Yes, people are dying. But the operation took a long time because the Russian military had been ordered to avoid attacks and shelling of civilian infrastructure, he said. Lavrov stressed that the absolute priority of the war was the liberation of Donbas. He added that the rest of the territory of Ukraine should be able to decide their own future.
Lavrov on Putin’s health
At the end of the interview, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry was asked about rumors about Putin’s health. – President Vladimir Putin appears in public every day. You can see it on the screen, read and listen to his speech. I don’t think any sane person can see the signs of his illness in him. I leave this question to the conscience of those who spread such rumors despite the opportunity every day to find out who looks like what, replied Sergei Lavrov.
Reports of the war in Ukraine
Open report
Read also:
Lavrov: The West has declared total war on the Russian world
“Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student.”