Madicken Pettersson Zannas (20) from Tønsberg is an active user of social media. Like many others, he posts short video clips from his daily life on TikTok.
A few weeks ago, he went on vacation with his family to Greece, and he continues to actively post.
In one of the videos he made while on vacation, his views and comments increased. TikTok went viral, but his attention revolved around something completely different, which was the thinking behind it.
– I’ve never had so many viewers before! “It was really fun at first, but I noticed that hardly anyone commented on what it really was, just my body,” Zannas told Dagbladet.
“Time difference, big melon and backache” are just a few of the comments he received.
– I think it’s quite sad and I find it quite disgusting. “I feel like I’m out of control,” Zannas said.
Be uncertain
For Zannas, handling the attention was more difficult than he expected.
– It’s hard. It’s weird getting so many comments about looks. I just got more insecure and got a new complex, he said.
The Tønsberg girl says she experiences comments regardless of what she’s wearing.
– If I wear hoodies, people call me fat. If I wear tight clothes, I am an attention seeker. No one will be satisfied.
According to Madicken, it shouldn’t matter what you wear.
– This is my body. “I hope this is something I don’t have to decide at all,” he said firmly.
“Miss Norway” responds to criticism
new level
As the comments poured in, Zannas quickly decided to stand up for himself.
– I posted a new video where I talk about this unintentional sexual attention, and how it affects me negatively.
This was not the first time he had received such a comment.
– I’ve experienced this before. But this is a whole new level. Now suddenly it happens all the time, and everyone has something to say about my body, he says.

Disappear when he sees this
Human with feelings
Despite some of the unpleasant comments, people also defended Madicken.
– I have received a lot of support and I am very grateful for it. Several people thanked me after I talked about unnecessary comments. Unfortunately, I’m not the only one experiencing this.
The Tønsberg girl feels that people forget that she is a human being with feelings.
– It almost feels like people only look at me for my body. I want people to like me for who I am, and not just how I look, says Madicken.
He encourages others to think twice before choosing to comment on other people’s bodies.
– This can happen to anyone, no matter who you are. Anyway not comfortable. It’s not nice to comment on other people, and I hope people can start thinking about it.
“Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja.”