That’s why DNB is the most innovative bank in Norway

Roles and free straws in Silicon Valley

NewTechLab is an independent unit with its own resources and direct links to senior management. It is headed by Yngvar Ugland. He has only executive technologists on his team, including one from Silicon Valley, Anne Karen Aanonli. She has a permanent office there so that DNB can keep up with all the exciting things happening in the “innovation mecca.”

– We look for projects that have high risk, but can provide high rewards, explains Ugland.

He elaborated:

– We do this by exploring technologies that are not yet used by other teams or departments at DNB, for example digital assets like crypto. At the same time as we identify and develop innovative applications of these technologies, we look for opportunities to simplify existing processes, for example through the use of artificial intelligence.

Experimenting with blockchain and AI

NewTechLab develops new technologies through experimentation. For example, they use blockchain technology to create games and generative artificial intelligence to create simultaneous translation solutions.

Unlike interdisciplinary teams that work purposefully in development, NewTechLab does not set fixed goals for its work. That would only get in the way.

– We must be able to react and adapt to new discoveries and changes along the way. As in a PhD project where the fact that a hypothesis is not proven can contribute to new knowledge, Ugland explains.

Georgie Burke

"Music maven. Evil pop culture lover. Unapologetic creator. Friend of animals everywhere."

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