Turkey, Refugee | Turkey denies responsibility for 92 naked migrants on Greek border river

– We condemn such cruel and degrading treatment and demand a full investigation into this incident, said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and describe the reports and pictures of the 92 people are staggering.

Greek authorities enlightened on Saturday that Greek border police in collaboration with EU border guard agency Frontex had rescued 92 naked migrants in Evros the day before.

Frontex confirmed on Sunday that it was involved and said it was mainly people from war-torn Syria and Afghanistan.

– They were found almost naked, and some of them had visible wounds, spokeswoman Paulina Bakula told AFP news agency.

minister’s tweet picture

Greek Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis tweeted on Saturday photographed the migrants and accused Turkish authorities of sending people across the border. The image shows a large group of men trying to hide their bellies as they move in line through the natural landscape. The faces were smeared, and several men squatted on the ground.

– Turkey’s treatment of the 92 migrants we rescued at the border today is a disgrace to civilization. We hope Ankara investigates the incident and at least protects its border with the EU,” he tweeted.

Turkish Communications Minister Fahrettin Altun believes Mitarakis is spreading false information and called on Greece to stop “bad treatment of refugees”.

– Greece has once again shown the whole world that it does not respect the dignity of refugees by publishing photos of oppressed people who have been deported after seizing from them their personal belongings, Altun’s tweet on Sunday in Turkish, Greek and English.

Also read: Europe Upholds Walls Against Migrants

Have food and clothes

None of the 92 had clothes or luggage, according to the Greek ministry. Some of them told Greek officials that they were transported to the river in three vehicles belonging to Turkish authorities. They were then allegedly placed on an inflatable boat that would take them to Greece. Upon their arrival, they had been given food and clothing, Greek police said.

Greece’s Minister of Civil Protection, Takis Teodorikakos, accused Turkey of “taking advantage of illegal immigration”. He told the Greek TV channel Skai that some of the migrants told Frontex they were taken to the river in Turkish military vehicles.

– Take their time to respect human rights, not manipulation and dishonesty, tweeted Turkish Deputy Interior Minister Ismail Catakli.

Also read: Turkey: Opening Borders for Refugees the Only Option

“Graveyard” in the Aegean Sea

Greece itself is regularly exposed to accusations from organizations and media involved in so-called illegal pushback. This involves forcing migrants and refugees back into Turkey by force. This is denied by Greece, which says it is acting in accordance with international law and protecting its borders.

Last month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan used his speech at the United Nations to accuse Greece of turning the Aegean Sea into a “graveyard” with its “repressive” migration policies.

Greek border guards recently reported a sharp increase in boat refugees arriving via the eastern Aegean Sea.

Greece, for its part, accuses Turkey, which hosts the world’s largest refugee population, of encouraging refugees and migrants to Greece to pressure the European Union.

The Greek government wants to virtually close the border in Evros as a result of the increasing number of people crossing the border from Turkey. The 35-kilometer barrier along the river will be extended by 80 kilometers.

Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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