I know you as a presenter about nature, my friends from Ričán met you as a teacher at school. Was joining the hosting of political events a big change for you?
Not even a change, but a memory. I have quite a rich work history behind me. I joined Czech Television in 1995. I went through several positions within it. For some time there, I also served as editor, head of the main edition of the political commentary show, “21”.
So politics, political discussion was a natural work for me, at about the turn of the millennium. It’s safe to say that working for Novinky.cz is my return to the dawn of television. Until then I wasn’t a presenter, but I was a guy in the background deciding what the presenters and guests would talk about, who would come into our studio, what we would broadcast.
What ended when you became mayor of Říčany?
I started thinking about politics around 2008-2009, when I decided to run for the board. It was at a time when the people of Říčany had serious problems with developers and budget. I wanted to take an active role in the construction near my house, and eventually I became mayor. I am until 2020, when I hand over the mandate.
However, you remain in ČT as the host of Miracles of Nature around the clock. How long have you, the face of ČT, considered whether to accept Novinek.cz’s offer to moderate events around the presidential election, including election studios and pre-election debates?
About a month. But to explain better how the collaboration happened. First, I was invited to Novinky as a person who has been mayor for ten years. Specifically, it was within the framework of the recent city election, and I was invited to the studio here by Eva (Mikulecká – notice ed.), who also worked for CT.
RECORD: Presidential duel on Novinky.czVideos: News
And you like it so much with us, I can only guess that your cooperation for the presidential election has taken place.
(Laughter) It happened gradually. I found it very interesting that Novinky started audio-visual content, and when in the end there was an offer to actively participate in it, I thought about everything for about a month… He really got away from the entertainment that I did in CT, back to politics . Returning to the path I left fifteen years ago was not entirely easy.
I also deal with everything on Czech television. I don’t want to do anything to hurt her. After debating the production and dramaturgy of Miracles of Nature, I got the green light for the presidential election project. But – to be honest – I thought things were going to be smaller, less noticeable.
Were you surprised by Novinek.cz’s viewership for the presidential election?
I was surprised by more things. For example, I will moderate a presidential candidate duel. This was not discussed at the start of the plan. And by the time they called me from Novinek that they had confirmed guests: both Mr. Babiš and Mr. Pavel, I had just finished the grades report card at the pedagogical council. So I learned from him that both candidates will come to duel in five days. That’s right, he moved out in two days.
And what do people who love you as a popularizer of science say about this political “mission” of yours?
Most are satisfied. I got very positive feedback from people. In addition, two small fringe camps have formed, whose opinions can be summarized: You should have stayed with the Wonders of Nature, you don’t really like political debates. They agreed on that. However, one of them blamed me for the attack on Andrej Babiš, the other one claimed that I wasn’t too hard on him and gave him too much space…
Overall, I am pleased that in the end it turned out well, our candidates’ questions and reactions captured the attention of both the audience and the media in a significant way. I’m self-reflective and I know I had a rocky start to the duel at Novinky, but especially the second half of the duel showed the candidate in a new, dynamic, information-rich light, and Eva and I kept it. in the structure and levels that we planned. It’s about the candidate, not the dominant moderator.
Did you also take advantage of your own political career when preparing for the Babiš-Pavel duel?
Not exactly. Neither they nor the mayor are under enormous media pressure. The media focuses primarily on high politics, on the executive. The world of nursing is a bit outside their interests. Those moments when the cameras are pointed at you, a group of journalists waiting for you, are special. Too bad. Even at the local level, similar controls would be good.
Apart from that, it also serves as a “school” for municipal politicians so that they can engage in high politics, so that they are ready to face similar things. Czechia has reserves here. You can see it, for example, in parties that rely on communal politics. Sometimes they have problems withstanding the pressure of such a strong medium, they can’t move in it.
Photo: Stanislava Benesová, Novinky
The presidential election is over. How would you summarize your “mission” at Novinky?
You know what I like about you? That there is an amazing group of creative people. When I take Czech Television, if I compare them, I have to say: I feel the same way with you as I feel there, great. Yes, News is a lot smaller compared to the TV productions I’m used to. But everything here will catch up with the energies of the people involved in preparing for the pre-election studies, as long as they are. This is what I enjoy most about you.
The possible success always depends on how the team is put together, whether the people in it are happy to work, whether they get along. We have a great team at Nature’s Miracles, and engines pedal the same way at Novinky. With a smile and concentrated energy towards the goal.
You are a chess player, but also a terrible driver, which you don’t hide. Who wins in you when you moderate?
My subconscious, which you cannot influence. The subconscious sends things into your consciousness that you didn’t want to think about at the time. We return to the Babiš-Pavel debate. I immediately got stuck on the first question, which was about Babiš’ mistakes in the election campaign.
And since my subconscious is very reflexively oriented, I am still deciding whether I did something right or wrong, did I (not) hurt someone, when I ask this question, my subconscious sends me something like: throwing stones, you are innocent. That’s why I got stuck twice at the start of the duel. And then the thought immediately popped up: You’re stuck, and you’re blaming someone here for their mistake… Fortunately, I quickly got over it. We are only human, whether we are journalists or politicians.
What’s next? Are you going to stay in politics at least as a moderator?
After I left the post of mayor, I told myself that I would spend a few years elsewhere, that I would rest, that I would not rush anywhere. I want to recover the energy that politics has taken from me. That’s how I teach and at school “U lesa” (3. Říčany Elementary School – Near the forest – notes ed.) I’m fine. I have time for things that I didn’t have time for before. I also want to read a book quietly on a Sunday night and not have to worry about a fire somewhere or the neighbors arguing… Which is what I used to do as mayor. And who knows what will happen next? I will wait for it. I love being surprised by life.
“Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist.”