-Some of our customers gave us feedback that they didn’t want products made with flash technology, and they also didn’t have a good answer as to what they thought we should use, With tells iTromsø.
Rich content
Together with three other company employees, he developed the H5P technology (Html5 package) which he will present at this year’s TAG-IT conference taking place in Tromsø on February 12-13.
– With H5P, you can create so-called rich content for websites that currently don’t work on iPhone and iPad. Our technology works regardless of the platform, With explains.
Rich content refers to content that is more alive than plain text and images, such as games, tests, and simulations. With the idea that content on the web was more alive before, and the introduction of mobile devices that do not support flash has led to the creation of less rich content. This requires static images and presentations, where one can get solutions such as richer experiences.
Great feedback
– Our technology makes it easier to create websites with rich content, and the web experience will be richer, said With.
This technology has already been used and sold to the National Digital Learning Arena (NDLA), which has created over a thousand pages with H5P technology.
The response from abroad was very good, and Amendor was also selected to participate in the Connect2Capital CONNECT event in Gothenburg. CONNECT is an international business network that promotes innovation by connecting growing companies with expertise and capital.
General solution
– Then some investors contacted us. Although it is still a long way to go, it is possible with investor funds, With explained.
With such funds, the newly founded company Joubel, which Amendor founded together with the IT company Cerpus in Vesterålen, can plan a very different pace.
– Our goal is for every website in the world that uses rich content to use our standards, With said.
Apart from Cerpus, With also brought in Kim Daniel Arthur who sits on the Joubel board.
– Kim Daniel Arthur is a well-known name, but he is the most talented person. A true multi-talent who actively contributes to the development of the company, With explained.
Now he is looking forward to presenting his technology at TAG-IT.
– At TAG-IT, we hope that as more people get to know us, more people will use the technology. It seems that when we solve a problem for ourselves, we simultaneously solve it for many other problems, With concluded.
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