In an interview, Lavrov repeated Moscow’s claim that Ukraine was merely a military operation to prevent Ukraine from acquiring nuclear weapons. He stated the same in his pre-recorded speech at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.
Lavrov said the Kiev regime poses a danger to neighboring countries and the international community. The alleged danger “increased significantly after the Ukrainian authorities launched a dangerous game related to plans to acquire nuclear weapons of their own.” However, Russia has not provided any evidence for this claim.
“World War III will be nuclear,” Lavrov said. “Russia, as a responsible member of the international community that has committed to its non-proliferation commitments, is taking all necessary measures to prevent the emergence of nuclear weapons and related technologies in Ukraine,” the Russian foreign minister added.
Russia’s ally, Belarus, voted in favor of deploying Russian nuclear weapons on its territory during the weekend referendum. Given that Belarus borders three NATO countries (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia), NATO would have the right, according to Lavrov’s logic, to attack Belarus as part of preventing harm.
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