Andrew Tate from Norway: – My woman won’t go to a nightclub without me

The 23-year-old Emad Nayab is referred to as Andrew Tate from Norway. He who profiles himself on social media as an angry and violent misogynist.

Andrew Tate is one of the world’s biggest influencers and thinks things like cruel western society feminizes men, polygamy is only acceptable to men and arranged marriages should be normalized.

On Friday afternoon, Emad Nayab was a guest on TV 2’s show “Erlig talt”.

– I understand why people compare me to Andrew Tate, because I’m honest and don’t hold back. I don’t think he meant everything he said, but he has a lot of good points, said Nayab

Boys want to try it themselves

The 23-year-old believes that in today’s society you are pushed aside too quickly if you don’t think the same as others.

– If I am in a relationship and I want my woman not to go to nightclubs without me. I feel like I can’t say that, even though it’s just a standard I have for myself, because that could come across as condescending.

– Yes, because why should you break it one way?

– It’s not about deciding, it’s about respecting each other’s boundaries.

– Where’s your limit?

– Of course. I don’t want my woman to go to nightclubs. This is a place for singles and there will be men trying it there. It was uncomfortable for me and he has to respect that, said Nayab

Women just have to be beautiful

Nayab believes that being a boy or a young man in today’s society has become more difficult.

– In the West and in the Nordics, life as a boy is more difficult. The average man gets almost no attention and it takes a lot to become an important man in today’s society. Unfortunately it is like that, said Nayab.

He believes that’s what motivates people like him and Andrew Tate.

That in today’s society there are very high demands for you as a man to be considered successful. He talked about working hard, training to be as strong as possible and making lots of money.

Nayab said that he spoke for many men when he said that they did not want masculine girls, and that they would rather date men.

– What we look for most in a woman is appearance. To be a popular woman, you just have to be beautiful, said Nayab

– Is that completely true?

– Yes, a beautiful girl is like a rich person in today’s society, emphasized Nayab.

Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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