Author: Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

Warned against hurricane «Alex»

Tropical Storm “Alex” came on Sunday morning from the Gulf of Mexico and into southern Florida with torrential rain and gusts of wind. This report AP news agency. “This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. It is not recommended to

Waiting for the slow moving queue

On Monday, lots of cars are expected on the road as a result of the long weekend. So far, the weather is also looking very promising in most of the countries. Therefore, there is reason to believe that many are

Guarantee 23 degrees Celsius

– Summer in the south with very pleasant days and between 20 and 25 degrees during Pentecost weekend. I’m sure someone will experience 23 degrees. I dropped the warranty there for safety. State meteorologist Rafael Escobar Løvdahl has the morning