An ice cream van about 250 meters from the entrance of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp made some people react.
During the Second World War, more than 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were transported here and killed by the Nazis.
Since 1947, the camp in Oświęcim, Poland, has served as a memorial and museum, with several million visitors each year.
– Tasteless
The placement of the ice carts has caused the museum management to go red, as they believe this is a mockery of the museum and the place’s dark history.
Excitement after this
– This is not only an example of aesthetic blandness, but also a complete lack of respect for a special historical place. The carriage is located outside the holocaust warning protection zone, so unfortunately we can’t do anything about it, Bartosz Bartyzel, spokesman for the Auschwitz Museum, told the Polish newspaper Gazeta Krakowska.
Residents in nearby towns also reacted to the ice cream truck, according to the paper.
– This is a sign of lack of respect for the dead. After all, it is the largest cemetery in the world, one of them said.
– Not illegal
Additionally, some have expressed their displeasure on Twitter.
– I remember the first time I visited Auschwitz. When I got back to Kraków, I just wanted to sit in my hotel room for the rest of the evening. Others clearly want to eat ice cream, writes Ben Stanley, professor at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Poland.
When the Gazeta Krakowska newspaper first published the article, it said the stall had been placed illegally. This turned out to be untrue, and the stall owner, Krzysztof Kawiorski, always claimed he was safe.
– I rented a plot from a private person. I pay for the area, I pay taxes, and there are the same regulations for this area as everywhere else where it is legal to carry out commercial activities, Kawiorski explained to the Poles TVP3 Kraków.
Avisa has since apologized to Kawiorski.
– Very special
Even though the carriages were installed on private land and outside the 100 meter long protection zone, the museum still hopes for the carriages to be removed.
– We believe that the local authorities are competent and will solve this embarrassing problem, said Bartyzel.
The deputy mayor of Oświęcim said that they would not do anything about the case.
– Since it does not belong to the district, we will not take any action. We are not a party involved or have anything to say in this context. But it is very special to set up such a business in this area, Paweł Kobielusz told TVP3 Kraków.

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At the same time, the plot owner stated that he would improve the appearance of the kiosk with the associated layering. He also said that it was inconceivable that they would move the carriages a little further from the museum in the long run.
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