Already at the age of four, Bjørn Christian Wiik was standing on the streets of Oldervika outside Tromsø, singing Sputnik’s “Skilles Johanne” at the top of his lungs.
Music has always been a big part of his life, and according to his younger brother Simon Haugen, he always carries a guitar on his shoulder when he comes to visit his hometown Oldervik, which he loves very much.
Bjørn Christian Wiik died on Thursday after a brief illness.
– Now we lost our guitarist and vocalist. It wouldn’t be the same without Bjørn, the younger brother told Dagbladet.
Wiik played a concert last weekend at Rorbua in Tromsø.
SOCIAL: Bjørn Christian Wiik and younger brother Simon Haugen. Private photo.
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– They want Bjørn’s music
Simon Haugen is about an open and honest person who finds it easy to relate to other people – even from the stage.
– He played a lot at Rorbua in recent years. There was only live music, and they would love Bjørn’s music, the younger brother said.
– He is such a person!
The Rorbua pub became very famous through a TV program You will hear a lot which ran on NRK from 1987 to 2003. There, presenters and guests get together to tell funny stories and jokes – preferably slightly gruff ones.
Bjørn Christian Wiik’s gag genre also excels, according to Simon.
– He is a showman, and a very open and honest person.
When Bjørn Christian Wiik is not working in municipal management in the municipality of Tromsø, a lot of time is spent on music.
– Every free minute he is busy with music.
Recently, he has successfully launched some of his own songs, said his younger brother.
Songs about everyday life, and about his thoughts.
– Too bad he didn’t continue. He was never going to become rich and make money as a musician, but wanted to convey his music to the world.
It is a newspaper Northern lights the first to mention death.
REMEMBERED LIKE THIS: Bjørn Christian Wiik in a familiar pose, guitar in hand. Private photo
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There will be many difficult times
The artist has been in the intensive care unit of the University Hospital in Northern Norway for the last few days.
Simon Haugen said he and his family are grateful for the help his older brother received there.
– Sincere thanks to all employees for all the help and attention we have received so far, said Haugen.
He said that many family members and friends had visited and sat by the hospital bed in the past few days.
The hospital room has also been filled with singing and guitar playing.
– The cousin was sitting there playing the guitar for him, then his guitar hand went, and then he heard that we were there, the younger brother said.
– I’m very glad that we got three days there, even if you are never quite ready.
Simon Haugen said there will be many difficult times ahead, but friends and family will stick together in grief.
– It is important to speak and show emotion. That is the most important thing. It’s going to be a strange time ahead.
Bjørn Christian Wiik is survived by three children.
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