Kindergarten employee charged with: – Arrested in kindergarten

BERGEN (Dagbladet): Police arrested an employee at a kindergarten in Bergen on Tuesday. The man was taken into custody at Hordaland District Court on Thursday morning.

The man in his 30s was charged with qualifying sexual activity with one of the children in the nursery. He pleaded not guilty.

Police asked the man to be detained for four weeks with letters, visits and a media ban.

The Hordaland district court ruled that the man should be detained on a four-week letter and visit ban, with a one-week media ban.

The man has been questioned and police have searched his residence. Police continue to work to secure the electronic traces.

Police prosecutor Eli Andrea Skaar told Dagbladet that there have been cases of “qualified sexual acts”, and these must have happened in the nursery. All cases must occur in 2022.

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Police have already started questioning employees and plan to question other children. He would not comment on how many children were questioned.

– There is a possibility of the offended party in this case, said Skaar.

The man was reported by one of his parents on Tuesday last week. He was arrested on Tuesday this week, the same day the victim was questioned. This is because the police must have reasonable grounds to suspect an arrest, explains Skaar.

– The examination strengthens the suspicion, he said.

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The defendant was arrested in the kindergarten in consultation with the chairman. Now the police have to secure digital devices and question interested people.

Skaar would not answer whether the man had been employed at another nursery or whether they were investigating previous working conditions.

On Wednesday evening, police and kindergarten management held an information meeting for parents and staff. Police have not yet released the name of the kindergarten or where in Bergen it is located.

Defender Ivar Abrahamsen did not want to give any comment to the press.

Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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