Kjetil Nørstebø (32) rose to fame when she took second place in TV 2’s “Farmen” in 2018. Last summer it was discovered that she and her then boyfriend had separated, but now she can reveal that she has found happiness again.
There is TV 2 who first mentioned the case.
– It’s not good when people want to kill you
Nørsteb’s chosen one is none other than Anette Dahl (31), who is also a well-known name to TV viewers. He participated in the TV program 2 «Øya» in 2017.
Dagbladet spoke to them to hear how it was with the newly-fallen couple, who in many ways could be seen as Norway’s newest reality couple.
– Unique woman
– Kinda like that when nan is 30 years old and still single, you have to take some drastic measures in this life. Coincidentally, we both downloaded Tinder. This might be a rather unusual way to meet someone, but it’s a novelty.
After just a few messages back and forth, they decided to pick it up over the phone. This led to a three hour phone call.

This is what he said about his girlfriend
Kjetil says that even though they both have pasts on the TV screen, they don’t know who each other is.
– When we looked around a bit after we talked on the phone, we found that there were some coincidences.
He said that they started dating last fall, but they didn’t become a couple until the New Year.
– This is really a unique woman that I found myself. When you find a woman who lasts a month alone on an island, you’re in safe hands, she says, and jokes further:
SUPER ATTRACTIVE: Kjetil describes her boyfriend as «super charming». Private photo
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– Anette is great on all fronts – except on the shooting range. We had our third date at the shooting range and then I was so crushed in my shoes that I started reconsidering the whole date.
– A bit weird
Anette was also able to confirm that she had never seen Kjetil on screen before, nor did she know who he was
– It’s a little weird because we don’t know who each other is, and neither of us reveals ourselves. The two wanted to get to know each other on a blank sheet, he said, adding that he had never seen “The Farm.”

Reveal the unknown past
According to the 31-year-old, it is Kjetil who should be credited with becoming so famous in the first place.
– He just asked if he could call me, and we both talk enough that we have a lot to talk about. We realized it was a very pleasant conversation, so we were called several times before meeting. It feels like we’ve known each other before we met, because we’ve talked a lot together.
– How are you now?
-I think it went really well, and I think Kjetil thought so too, he laughed.
– We have fun together and do a lot of different things. We’re good at including each other in each other’s lives, he explained in conclusion.
“Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja.”