Oil fund manager provides book recommendations on LinkedIn, challenged the top executives of the world’s largest companies in their own Podcasts and allowed themselves to be interviewed in the media about vulnerabilities in cybersecurity work. Norway’s top managers have something to learn.
One might think that Nicolai Tangen has received his dose of attention after all the criticism that came when it became public that he had landed the job. The simplest, and what might be expected at the Ministry of Finance and the Norges Bank, is to withdraw from the public a bit, concentrate on work and mainly comment when it is strategically or professionally needed.
Neither Slyngstad nor Kjær are active on social media and their own Podcast is an innovation after Tangen started
Tangen wants it differently. Analysis conducted by Geelmuyden Kiese shows that it has significantly higher visibility than its predecessors Yngve Slyngstad (2008 – 2020) and Knut Kjær (1998 – 2007). If we look at the number of media reports, and excluding those related to criticism of work, Tangen is 70 percent more likely to appear in the media than Slyngstad’s average and miles ahead of Kjær. Neither Slyngstad nor Kjær are active on social media and their own Podcast is an innovation after Tangen started.
In short, the current head of the oil fund will take on a role in the Norwegian public that few expect, many admire and rarely see in an organization of this type. But which I think is wise and highly respected.
It’s so easy to draw a smiling face when Tangen told LinkedIn that he cuts his hair twice a month, and each hairdresser’s visit takes 15 minutes. Of course, it was followed by a selfie with the hairdresser. However, when viewed in relation to his other activities, it forms a picture of a conscious media strategy that makes Tangen someone worthy of being followed and followed.
Modern top management communication is about something much more than ritual strategy presentations, polished media appearances, and conferences where one person addresses the congregation. Now it’s also about showing real openness, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge to a wider audience and creating inspiration that draws customers, potential employees and other stakeholders towards the company. There are many indications that Tangen is successful in this regard.
It should also be noted that Tangen speaks the language as most people understand. Perhaps the clearest example is that he consistently talks about the Petroleum Fund, although it would certainly be more appropriate to use “The Government Pension Fund Global”, “Norges Bank Investment Management” or simply the abbreviations GPFG and NBIM, which are favored by many. This would be more precise, but also confusing and exclusive. Everyone can get in touch with the Petroleum Fund.
Nicolai Tangen is available, talks about so much more than finances and uses language most people understand. Top executives should learn from oil fund managers.
Simen Johannessen, senior advisor at Gellmuyden Kiese Photo: Geelmuyden Kiese
Simen Johannessen
Senior Advisor at Geelmuyden Kiese
Geelmuyden Kiese has no customer relationship with Norges Bank, the Petroleum Fund or Nicolai Tangen in any other way.
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