Woman found dead: – Skien city government in mourning

– On Wednesday it became known that one of the municipal employees unfortunately fell victim to what police believe to be the murder in Skien on Tuesday night, the municipality of Skien wrote in a press release on Wednesday evening. It writes Telemark newspaper.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Sørøst police district announced that it had launched a homicide investigation after a woman in her late 50s was found dead in her own home in Skien. The discovery occurred around 4pm on Tuesday.

Telemarksavisa wrote that the woman must have been an auxiliary nurse in the municipality of Skien.

The city government is now following its colleagues closely.

– Crisis support is provided to those who need it.

An acquaintance of the woman found her inside the house and alerted emergency services, according to police.

– The police have carried out technical investigations in the afternoon and evening until Wednesday. Based on findings at the scene and witness statements, police believe that the dead woman was criminally involved and are now investigating the incident as homicide, said police inspector Odd Skei Kostveit.

Kripos has been asked to assist in the investigation. The possible homicide victim has been sent for autopsy and an initial autopsy report is expected to be ready by Wednesday.

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Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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