Are cats supposed to warm the picture? Tusk: Rudy we have chosen

Donald Tusk, chairman of the Civic Platform, has shown himself with children, grandchildren and also our “little brothers”, among whom he definitely prefers dogs. Now he decided to “shine” and show representatives of the dog group favored by PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński. But apparently he didn’t know much about cats, because they are not animals that are easy to “train” and deceive.

“Our redhead”

It’s no secret that PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński is a big cat lover. Civic Platform leader, Donald Tusk, also likes pets, although he seems to prefer dogs.

Tusk improves his image with the help of grandchildren, children, mayonnaise, pickled cucumbers and pets. This time, at the end of the campaign, he focused on the last group.

The PO leader posted a video on social media with a large purebred ginger cat he was transporting on Tuskobus last week. Today, among others, on the X platform, Tusk again posted a video with Rudy, because that is his pet name.

Rudy we have chosen

– said the former prime minister, posting a video in which the cat, who had a choice between two bowls: one with the inscription “PiS” and the other “KO”, rejected the bowl with the name of Jarosław Kaczyński’s party and ate from it the KO bowl.

Cat or dog?

On the one hand, the fact that the inside of both cups remains inaccessible to the viewer’s eye seems important for the whole “trick”, on the other – Donald Tusk seems to know little about cats. These are not easy animals, they cannot be easily “trained” or tricked, and the fact that Rudy finds his favorite treat in a bowl marked “KO” does not mean that he will immediately love and trust the person who gives him the treat. .

If we wanted to be mean, we’d write that there are certain figures in world politics who, like Donald Tusk, like dogs, but those figures are probably not particularly liked by the current PO leaders, although it wasn’t always that way. this, as we can see every Tuesday night on TVP Info. Is it because dogs are considered to be docile and sometimes docile creatures, in contrast to the independent, intelligent and self-sufficient cats favored by the PiS president?

However, let’s forget this hatred and stick to the opinion that such actions may be childish for a politician with such experience.


Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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