Nearly six weeks until the NATO summit in Vilnius, it remains unclear who will take over as chairman after Jens Stoltenberg. – It’s getting a little urgent. So it’s getting tougher, international politics professor and department head at the University
To beat today’s record, 14 mountains – which are more than 8,000 meters high – had to be climbed in less than 189 days, just over six months. When she arrived in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu on Tuesday, Norway’s Kristin Harila
On Saturday, there will be a folk festival in Erling Braut Haaland’s hometown as TV 2 shifts all final studio broadcasts to Bryne. – We were intrigued by this idea from the first time we heard the proposal for a
In addition to the new Mjøssykehus in Moelv, there will be a multi-purpose local hospital in Lillehammer, a further development of the hospital in Tynset and a hospital in Elverum with more activity than following the council’s decisions in South
There are many types of laptops at Computex in Taipei. But some of them stand out from the crowd. 03.06.23 – 10:41 (Photo: John Alex Hvidlykke, L&B Home) The Computex trade show in Taiwan is one of the world’s largest
You’ve probably seen him all over social media: More or less famous people greeting graduating students at an American college, university, or university. Some of the speeches are funny, others are serious – others are easily forgettable. Now, however, have
– The community and vision of “the joy of sport for all” speaks volumes about the values that reflect a great sporting movement. The huge amount of time spent volunteering, in both elite and grassroots sports, contributes to the joy
As daylight fell on Saturday, rescue workers could see the horrific scale of the accident, with the broken carriages and bent metal. – Rescue work is still ongoing, Sudhanshu Sarangi, director of the state fire service, told AFP news agency
At least 288 people have died in a train crash in eastern India. Two passenger trains were involved, and nearly 1,000 people were injured. Television footage from the scene showed damaged carriages, bent metal and a large number of passengers
ASCO 2023: Lovisenberg chief physician Katarina Puco kicks off the ASCO congress with her birthday, and Kreftklinikken manager Marius Normann is looking forward to the big highlights this year. This Norwegian oncologist traveled to ASCO, the world’s largest cancer congress