Author: Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

May 17 confusion: – Both are slightly wrong

– That’s because Norway has a birthday! said profile NRK Fantorangen (known from “Barne-TV” and “Maskorama”) to presenter Nadia Hasnaoui during this year’s May 17 broadcast on the country channel – when asked if she knew why we were celebrating

Plane crash: Four children found alive

The pilot is said to have reported an emergency situation, due to an engine failure, before the plane crashed to the ground on May 1. Since then, a massive search operation has been carried out for the seven passengers from

This is how he won the NM qualifier

David Gutteridge qualified victorious in the first round of the 2023 Underwater Photography National Championships. Here you can see the photos he submitted and get to know the qualifiers better. David Gutteridge qualified victorious in the first round of the

South-17. May: – Golden opportunity

The Mayor of Alta, Monica Nielsen, confirmed that many people in the municipality are now using many May holidays to travel abroad, and there will be a slight reduction in the population on May 17 this year. – Many will