Internal Nav Recording: – Not owned

– This recording shows that skepticism towards sick graduates and general practitioners is something that direct training of Nav supervisors gives, which I think is much more serious than individual statements, Isak Saltskår told Dagbladet. He is a supervisor at

– Sick – VG

NORWAY SUMMER STARS: From top left to right: Karsten Warholm, Viktor Hovland, Erling Braut Haaland, Casper Ruud and Jakob Ingebrigtsen. Photo: Bjørn S. Delebekk, Thomas Nilsson and EPA OSLO/STOCKHOLM (VG) Casper Ruud is in the final of the French Open.

Ruud coverage has a back – VG

Casper Ruud will play in the final of the French Open. Photo: THOMAS SAMSON / AFP It is fundamentally problematic that someone who works for Casper Ruud is also so central to Eurosport’s editorial coverage of tennis players. Published: Less