Lavrov has a new goal of war in Ukraine. This time is the end of US domination in the world

“Our special military operations are designed to end this reckless expansion and move towards complete dominance of the United States on the international stage, and below that of other Western nations.” said Lavrov.

His words came at a time when Moscow failed to carry out its original plan to occupy Kyiv in an instant and to establish a puppet government there under the original slogan of “demilitarization and denazification” of Ukraine.

Russian troops have withdrawn from the capital and are moving into eastern and southern Ukraine. A fierce attack on the Donbas is expected.

Lavrov began talking about Washington’s actions, in gross violation of international law, when Russian troops occupied large parts of Ukraine and killed thousands of Ukrainian civilians.

After the invasion began, the West imposed sanctions on Russia and supplied weapons to the invaded country.

West angry after invasion of Ukraine, Lavrov wonders

Lavrov also noted that the attitude of the United States and its allies towards Russia has changed since the invasion of Ukraine.

According to Russia’s foreign minister, this is a policy that reflects the “angry and even somewhat angry attitude” that the West has taken towards Russia.

According to Lavrov, this policy is partly determined by Ukraine, which has become “a springboard for Russia’s oppression and its subordination to the Western-built global system.”

“Russia, with its history and traditions, will never take a subordinate position. We can only become members of the international community under the same conditions of indivisible security,” Lavrov added.

Russia militarily invaded neighboring Ukraine on February 24 with the originally proclaimed goal of “demilitarizing and denazing” the country.

According to President Vladimir Putin, Russia was forced to protect Russia in the Donbas, which was the target of intimidation and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years, although the Kremlin did not provide any evidence other than pointing to a Ukrainian law enforcement at Russia’s expense.

The possibility of Moscow’s plans was demonstrated in comments recently published by state agency RIA Novosti entitled “What Russia should do with Ukraine”, which publicly stated that Ukraine should not exist and that its population should be punished collectively for deviating from Russia.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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