Tankmen! Igor Zalewski compares politicians to tankers – Super Express

Politicians criticized

I recently spoke with a friend who is a politician. It has been operating for several years. But it was only recently, for a while, that it made headlines (or rather website headlines). He burned something mindlessly and, completely unexpected for himself, became the target of the fire. Other politicians are banging on it, the media is banging on it, anonymous commentators on the Internet are banging on it.

When I met him, he was at the end of his mooring. Afraid, muffled, depressed. He wanted to hide in a rat hole or escape to the other end of the world. I comforted him that the media, like the media, would soon forget about it, find different targets and run over other people. He didn’t really believe it. He thought he had been mirrored four generations ago and the portal would soon be filled with unmasked texts about him reminding him that ten years ago the Canaries had caught him on a bus without a ticket. Turns out I was right and the lame-legged dog wasn’t interested in him anymore. But what the farmer experienced was his.

Thick skin needed

This trivial story made me realize how important resistance is in the political profession. Thick skin. A man without protective armor and equipped with a dozen other qualities and talents would not stay at the forefront of the political front this month. He would cry, cry, drink, run. Mental resilience is the absolute foundation. During the First World War, the commanding duo Hindnenburg – Ludendorff was key to Germany. The latter is an operational genius who develops plans to win battles and lead troops to perfection. But in the heat of battle, he sometimes broke down, and then Hindenburg would become a rock for him – a leader who might lack talent, but was unshakable. He overcomes all crises.

Igor Zalewski was deeply moved by the tragedy in Seoul. He himself felt what the human element was

Tank politicians are the furthest and most accomplished. It’s hard to even imagine the pressure that Kaczyński or Tusk would have to face. They are leaders precisely because they face them. Once upon a time, Leszek Miller was a very tough politician. Today, Jacek Sasin and Przemysław Czarnek impress with their thick skin. The tougher the policy, the more important the armor, which – like in a tank – helps to survive.

Igor Zalewski

Politician backstage – Krzysztof miszek

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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