The liberation celebration begins. Without Russia

The first commemorative event took place already on April 15 at the memorial in the village of Sudice in Silesia, where the Red Army operation called Ostrava began. The commemoration took place like last year, namely without Russian representatives, who this time were also not invited.

“Another change is that World War II veterans no longer participate in the event. Currently, we count twenty of them, and most of them are already sick and their old age makes it impossible for them to participate,” Martin Ogořálek, spokesman for the Ostrava regional command, told Práv.

Patton's grandson arrives

Although the beginning of the Ostrava operation is traditionally commemorated in Sudice, the end of the operations associated with the liberation of Ostrava always culminates in the Red Army monument in Ostrava's Comenius Park. This traditional event is not the first time it has been held here last year, and will be similar this year.

“Due to the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, we will not be holding the traditional ceremony previously performed with military honors. However, an ecumenical service is being prepared, which will take place on April 28 at St. Mary's Church. St. Petersburg. Václav in Ostrava,” Gabriela Pokorná, spokesperson for Ostrava city hall, told Práva. People will be able to honor the memory of the battle victims throughout the day at the memorial in Comenské sady. Representatives of the city government will also do the same.

Boček is remembered by politicians and soldiers as a hero and an inspiring person

Part of this year's liberation celebrations in the Opava Region will also be a series of commemorative events organized by the Czechoslovak legionary community. It starts on Friday, April 28 in Sudice and will continue via Bolatice, Štítina, Dolní Lhota and Čavisov to Ostrava-Vítkovice. At war memorials, or at the graves of war heroes, short devotional meetings are held with the participation of the mayor, sometimes with cultural performances by elementary school students.

Pilsen will commemorate the liberation of American soldiers at the traditional Independence Celebration, from Friday the 5th to Monday the 8th of May. But for the first time without the participation of war veterans from America and Belgium. “Some left us, some couldn't do it because of their health,” said Mayor Roman Zarzycký (ANO). Official invitations were addressed to the last six addresses, unfortunately none of them received a positive response. However, members of the war hero's family will arrive in Pilsen, including George Patton Waters, the legendary general's grandson.

Photo: Miroslav Chaloupka, CTK

George Patton's grandson in 2018 in Pilsen

As every year, army camps will be visible in the city, and the most anticipated part of the program, a convoy drive of some two hundred historic military vehicles, will take place on Sunday morning. The liberation convoy will depart this Friday morning from the American Embassy in Prague. Due to the war in Ukraine, the combat demonstration did not take place last year, and organizers will not return to it.

Kroměříž will also commemorate liberation day in the first week of May. “The celebration will be an act of honor at the commemoration of the Romanian soldiers on May 3, which will be complemented by a gathering a day later at the grave of Ludvík Svoboda in the local cemetery,” explained Mayor Tomáš Opatrný (ANO).

Prague Uprising

In Brno, on May 8, a memorial event will be held in the Kounice hostel area. The event will start at 10 am. “However, we don't know who will arrive at this time. We don't even need confirmation,” city government spokesman Filip Poňuchálek told Práv. The town hall did not invite representatives of the Russian party.

Forgive, never again. Steinmeier apologized on behalf of all German citizens at the monument to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto

Last weekend, events commemorating the end of the Second World War took place under Veveří Castle near Brno. The organizers stressed that this was a tribute to all the soldiers who participated in the liberation of Czechoslovakia.

“Most of them were Ukrainians who joined the Red Army. Of course there were Czechoslovaks, Romanians, Hungarians and representatives of other countries. If we don't hold our event, we will forget them, and they definitely don't deserve that considering what they have done for us,” said stage creator Ivan Vystrčil from the Acaballado association.

There have been no further reported events in Prague on the 78th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, with city hall and state institutions yet to announce them. Until yesterday, the only announced meeting was the KSČM pieta at Kinských Square in Prague 5, where Soviet tank No. 23 stood on a high pedestal, but did not arrive at this location in May 1945. The Communists held their meeting on May 9, which they continued to regard as “the day of liberation from fascism.”

May 9 is celebrated in Czechoslovakia as the end of the war that led to the Velvet Revolution due to the arrival of the Red Army in Prague. This is followed by the logical assumption of May 8, European Victory Day. After all, on May 8, 1946, at 16:00, German General Rudolf Toussaint, who commanded the units fighting against the Prague Uprising, signed the surrender in front of the Czech National Council. Russian tanks arrived later.

Politicians, hawks, scouts and witnesses in Prague traditionally commemorate the Prague Uprising at the Czech Radio building, which broke out on 5 May 1945.

The world remembers how terrible the Auschwitz concentration camp was

Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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