To support the baby in the palm of your hand: health professionals invite to a charity event for premature babies | Health | News | Hanácka Gossip

Through active movement, thousands of Indonesian people will commemorate World Premature Baby Day which falls on May 7 this year. Participants in the charity virtual run will join a team of medical professionals from the neonatal department of the Šternber hospital. The goal is to draw attention to the topic of preterm birth and raise funds for further improvements in the healthcare workplace.

Running and walking for babies on the palms is held for the third time. This year, for the first time, employees of the neonatal department of the AGEL Šternberk Hospital will work together as a team. In previous years, they participated individually. “Our station nurse, Martina Muchová, motivated us to take part in this event. The neonatal department is managed by a team of young and passionate people who want to continuously improve, educate and advance the department with their joint efforts. And even at times spare you,” he declared Ivana Balážováa doctor in the neonatal department.

The medical staff at the Šternber hospital will be happy to welcome other enthusiastic participants to the charity event, but people can participate in running or walking whenever and wherever they choose. “Anyone who wants to walk or run with us is welcome. A joint trip to Prabába in Šternberk is planned. We are eager to see all the children and parents we have met or will meet in our maternity ward. We hope that colleagues from other departments will also join us.” said the doctor. According to the color symbolism of this initiative, people can also wear purple accessories. At the end of the planned picnic route, everyone can bring food and drinks according to their individual tastes.

It could have been the most beautiful Christmas gift, but in the end, Anička Jenderková was in no hurry compared to the planned date and became the first baby born in the Czech Republic in 2023. The girl was born in a maternity hospital in Šternber on the first of January, eight minute…

Last year, we managed to raise nearly 10,000 crowns for the neonatal department of the AGEL Šternberk Hospital. “With the proceeds from the event, we purchased covers for incubators, positioning aids or phototherapy made of special materials that eliminate light and sound thereby reducing stress stimulation for children placed in incubators. This year, we want to use the funds to bought a communication tool to facilitate communication between mothers and remote caregivers. We have more plans, but it all depends on results,” Balážová mentions.

A total of 2,847 runners took part in the last two years’ Run and Walk for Babies in the Palm, and 7,634 took walks. The total proceeds to support the neonatology department amounted to nearly two million crowns. The goal is always to run or walk 8,500 kilometers. “This year we have different and higher ambitions. We want to involve at least 8,500 participants in the event, including runners, walkers and children in strollers,” States Lucie Žačková, chairman and director of the Nedoklubko organization. The number 8500 refers to the number of children born each year in the Czech Republic before the 37th week of pregnancy. Usually, Olomouc University Hospital also joins the project on the first Sunday in May.

Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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