REVIEW: Say it with a dog will please dog lovers

From the opening montage of dog skills, including piano playing, you’ll enjoy an hour and a half of light entertainment that doesn’t involve vulgarity or awkwardness. It’s just that in terms of human heroes and their plots, it’s quite predictable and rare.

Dita, played sympathetically by Berenika Kohoutová, is a young woman who has had a long-term boyfriend (Igor Orozovi), so she logically wants to start a family. Instead, he gave her a series of reasons why they should break up, and on top of that, a dog that Dita never wanted.

The fact that he wanted to get rid of her in the first place and even visited the shelter was just a transparent introduction for her to fall in love with a border collie named Rapl. And since his neighbor (Štěpán Benoni) has a female of the same breed, it’s easy to see how things will turn out and what end the film is bound to lead to. However, transparency doesn’t really matter, because people playing with dogs and destroying dogs playing with branded goods provide entertainment without which movies would be boring.

However, seasoned screenwriter Irena Obermann definitely knew that this singular plot wouldn’t make a movie even with an entire canine companion, so she added a few more subplots, which were nothing more than a way to add some more or less entertaining. secondary character for the film.

A pair of dog walkers, played by Taťjana Medvecká and Jiří Lábus, will delight the dog walking community, who are looking to secure permits for a shared playground for children and dogs with the help of a petition. The world of lifestyle is represented by Dita’s mother who is affected in exaggerated, even irresistible appearances by Veronika Ilková and her dangerous friend and boss (Hana Vagnerová). That an abandoned heart hides beneath the behavior of these two is easy.

Prague’s Grébovka Park is beautiful and bright, the interior is polished, the costumes accurately depict the character of each character. Sedláček makes films that are quite different from his other works. It’s almost old world fun, so dog lovers in particular, of whom there’s sure to be more than a small number, can fill the theaters pretty well.

Say it with a dog
Czech Republic 2022, 85 min. Directed by: Robert Sedláček, starring: Berenika Kohoutová, těpán Benoni, Igor Orozovi and others

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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