The sun reduces immunity. Viruses can start to multiply, explains Petr Arenberger

Is there a definition of beautiful healthy skin?
The exact definition of beautiful and healthy skin may not be given anywhere, but it applies to skin that is well hydrated, i.e. it has enough water, is firm and flexible, it should have a uniform color without any color spots and unevenness, it should not have scales or signs of inflammation and should not show signs of premature aging. Regarding tanning, opinions about what is called “inside” and what is not called “inside” have changed throughout history, especially in Europe. Over the years and even at the beginning of the last century, the skin becomes white and women become almost smooth is a fashion, which is associated with the influence of religion.

One hundred years ago, it became fashionable to have a tan, either from the sun or, more recently, from the solarium. The tan trend is closely related to the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, which includes outdoor movement and exercise, movement on the beach, in the mountains, and the like. Of course, this trend also affects us, which dermatologists don’t fully see. On the other hand, in China, for example, there is a long-term tendency to flaunt light skin, as light skin is a sign that the person in question is from a “better society,” he or she does not have to work in the field, for example as a road worker or a farmer. But in simple terms we can say that beautiful skin is healthy skin and healthy skin is beautiful.

Modern science surpasses the imagination of the creators of science fiction. In Star Trek they can give injections without a needle, in current clinical medicine similar bioinjectors already exist.

Petr Arenbergerhead of the 3rd School of Medicine Dermatovenerology Clinic, UK

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