The world’s craziest festival Burning Man: A week of nudity, freedom and unrestrained fun | For woman

When you look at the photo gallery, you will probably feel like you have found yourself in another world. And you wouldn’t be far from the truth. This festival, where people wear luxurious costumes, was created in the mid-eighties and from several hundred participants gradually grew to seventy thousand spectators. A place where money or the internet is not an issue, where people smile at each other and do nothing for a week, attracting visitors from all over the world.

People flock here to experience a week of freedom, often nudity, and unruly fun. Even though people here celebrate freedom and liberty, Burning Man has its own rules that must be followed. Weapons, fireworks and driving at speeds of more than eight kilometers per hour are prohibited.

The festival includes music concerts, light shows and many other performances. The entire festival would end with the burning of the “giant men” – statues made of wood, namely the Burning Man. If you decide to go to the festival, you will have to pay six hundred and fifty dollars, bring your own food and drinks, and clean up when you go.

However, this year’s edition was disrupted by heavy rain. A few days after the start of the event, remote areas were hit by rainfall that usually falls there in three months. There is also an influencer from Czech named Dewii who wrote about her experience on Instagram:

“The mud that constantly comes off your feet and sticks to everything is better than Hercules. Events were at a standstill, our campsite was in a state of madness. Still keeping a positive attitude, we cleaned everything up yesterday and prepared for more rain and extra time in Burna. Hopefully we have enough food, drink and other supplies. I originally planned to stay here after the event to clean up the camp and clear the desert of trash. Thanks to the rain disaster, we are all staying here for a long period of time, until further notice, we are cut off from the outside world. It was difficult to even walk in that mud, let alone drive anywhere.”

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Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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