When money is tight, people are the first to stop buying clothes

Nearly two-thirds of Czechs (65 percent) would limit clothing purchases if there were economic problems in their household, according to Kruk’s survey. A year earlier, in a similar survey, 56 percent of respondents reported reduced clothing spending.

Three-fifths of respondents (61 and 60 percent respectively) then unanimously said that they would significantly reduce spending on entertainment and culture or restaurant spending, as well as holidays and travel, or that they would not go on holiday at all. Even in these two categories last year, Czechs were less willing to limit themselves than they are now – visiting restaurants, cinemas or theaters, as well as reducing spending on travel and holidays, 54 percent of people plan to do the same.

When there is a problem, Czechs start to save the most on clothing shopping

When compared year to year, there is a significant increase in reducing energy and water consumption. If last year only one in four respondents mentioned this, now more than half of people (56 percent) will focus on this savings.

Survey data also shows a sharp increase in efforts to save on children’s education and hobbies – eight in a hundred people mentioned it last year, twice as many now.

A significant year-on-year increase – of 13 percentage points – also occurred in savings on health-related expenses (vitamins, medicines not covered by health insurance, etc.), which a third of the Czech population is now trying to do. save, while last year it was only one fifth.

“Czech citizens, if their income is reduced or completely lost, logically they take goods and services that are not for daily needs during the investigation. Due to the significant increase in electricity and gas prices from year to year, they will try to save more energy than before. They would be the last to limit spending on children’s education and development, but these savings are even more frequently considered than before,” concludes Jaroslava Palendalová from the company Kruk.

Thousands of people will seek help with expensive housing

About half of people (49 percent) will try to save on food, five percentage points more than the previous year. A fifth of Czech households will reduce spending on running their car, or will start using public transport more often (in previous surveys, the figure was 15 percent of respondents).


What expenses do you want to save on first?

I save energy and water

VOTING IS OVER: A total of 6482 readers voted.

Only a small percentage are willing to take out a loan

Only less than one percent of people said in surveys that they would solve their financial problems with a loan from a financial institution, or from family or friends.

More often – said by almost a third – Czechs will dip into their savings to cover cash shortfalls.

Every tenth Czech who has a loan has risky debt

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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