Grzegorz Braun: “Stop the Ukrainianization of Poland”. Russian TV airs MP’s statement | Rule

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Braun threatened at the Sunday Sejm. He was kicked out of the meeting

In the program “60 Minutes”, hosted by the Kremlin’s chief propagandist Olga Skabieeva, material was broadcast on state television Rossija 1, which showed anti-Ukrainian demonstrations in Poland. It is held in September.

Excerpts from the speech were also included in the broadcast material Grzegorz Braun. – Stop the Ukrainianization of Poland. Stop the depolonization of Poland. The bottom line is Poland must be Poland. Exactly that [chcemy – red.] reveal, said Mr Confederation.

There will be letters for Kamiński and Braun-related services

Jacek Ćwięca, Grzegorz Braun’s assistant, made no secret of his satisfaction with the whole situation. “And this is the success of our act, which the left wing and polish cool can only envy us! They have nothing left,” he wrote on social media.

Jan Strzeżek, spokesman for the Covenant parliamentary group, has announced his reaction to this issue.

“In connection with the activities of the pro-Russian MP Grzegorz Braun, which were pointed out by the Russian propaganda media, I will send tomorrow a letter to Minister Mariusz Kamiński and the head of the service with a request to check this anti-Polish activity of Braun

he emphasized. As he added, “zero tolerance for Russian fifth columns in Poland.” Jacek Ćweka also referred to the inclusion of a Covenant spokesperson. “Gowinis trying to play a circus to get them noticed. But okay, maybe someone will finally notice Ukrainian advances on Poland and end up blocking them,” he wrote.

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Kaczyński spoke, and from the hall shouted “disgrace”. “Who does this young man serve?”

Politicians lose their immunity

A few days ago Grzegorz Braun was stripped of his parliamentary immunity. The request for its revocation was filed by the Supreme Commander police. Confederate MPs refuse to accept fines for traffic violations. Last year, police filed a total of 10 requests to waive Braun’s immunity. Nearly all of them concern legal violations related to pandemic coronavirus. Braun did not want to wear a mask in public, including at Sejmat which he was systematically excluded from the meeting.

Last year, Grzegorz Braun also became famous for his outrageous words he uttered during a parliamentary session. He then turned from the rostrum to the Health Minister, Adam Niedzielski, shouting at him: “You will be hanged!”.

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Atwater Adkins

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